

论文题目: 中国英语学习者英语名词化习得的认知语言学实证研究

论文类型: 博士论文

论文专业: 外国语言学及应用语言学

作者: 钟书能

导师: 吴旭东

关键词: 二语习得,英语名词化,认知语言学,认知体

文献来源: 广东外语外贸大学

发表年度: 2005

论文摘要: 本研究从认知语言学中关于“现实生活中的一些规则可通过人类的认知机制映射到语言中”的基本原则出发,把认知语言学中“界”(boundedness)这一概念作为解释名词化的理论依据。通过对三组不同英语水平等级的中国英语学习者和以英语为母语的一组外国人对英语名词化习得的实证分析,作者发现(1)作为反映人类认知经验的“界”的概念普遍存在于人类语言中。“界”的特征越明晰,认知就越容易。另外,“界”的概念呈连续梯状结构,而非先前有些语言学家一直宣称的二元对立结构。(2)不管是母语学习者还是二语学习者,他们对于“有界”或“无界”的动词或形容词的名词化均掌握得相对较好。但对于“准有界”的动词或形容词的名词化均掌握得相对较差。(3)二语学习者对于按“界”分类的动词类型判断与动词名词化表现出一致的习得行为,但母语学习者和二语学习者之间却又存在一定的差异。(4)二语学习者对于按“界”分类的形容词类型判断与形容词名词化表现出不一致的习得情况,但母语学习者和二语学习者之间却不存在差异。(5)二语学习者的英语水平在按“界”分类的不同的词类上起不同的作用。对于“有界”的认知体(entity),英语水平的高低几乎不起作用。但对于“准有界”或“无界”的词类却起关键性的作用。英语水平为中等的受试在习得“准有界”或“无界”认知体时,情况更显复杂。 综合上述研究结果,作者认为(1)现实生活中具体的“界“(boundary)与语言中的“界”(boundedness)是相同的概念。在“有界”和“无界”范围之间存在着无限的“准有界”的认知体。“有界”认知体是认知原形,具有容易学习、记忆、使用等完型特征。“无界”的认知体因为可以被看作为属于另一认知结构,因此可成为新的认知原形。一个认知体一旦成为认知原形,



Curriculum Vitae

Academic Publications

Abstract (English)

Abstract (Chinese)

List of Figures

List of Tables

List of Appendices

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1. Research Orientation

1.2. Defining Nominalization

1.3. L2 Acquisition of English Nominalizations by the Chinese EFL Learners: Some Observations

1.4. Need for Approaching the L2 Acquisition of English Nominalizations from the Cognitive Linguistics Perspective

1.5. Key Research Questions

1.6. Organization of the Remaining Chapters

Chapter 2 The Cognitive Foundations of Nominalization

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Fundamental Principles of Cognitive Linguistics

2.3. An Overview of the Prototype Theory and the Theory of Iconicity

2.3.1. The Prototype Theory

2.3.2. The Prototype Theory

2.3.3. The Cognitive Commonality Underlying Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives from the Perspective of the Prototype Theory and the Theory of Iconicity

2.4. The Notional Definitions of the Noun, Verb, and Adjective Classes in Cognitive Grammar

2.4.1. Some Fundamental Concepts in Cognitive Grammar

2.4.2. The Notional Definitions of the Noun, Verb, and Adjective Classes in Cognitive Grammar

2.4.3. A Comparison between Nominal Predication and Relational Predication

2.5. Summary

Chapter 3 The Conceptual Framework

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Boundedness in Linguistic Entities: Dichotomy or Continuum?

3.3. The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in Verbs and Adjectives on a Continuum

3.3.1. The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in Verbs on a Continuum

3.3.2. The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in English Verbs on a Continuum

3.3.3. The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in Chinese Verbs on a Continuum The Semantic Prime "le" in Chinese The Semantic Prime "zhe" in Chinese The Semantic Prime "guo" in Chinese The Chinese Verb Types in Terms of Boundedness on a Continuum.

3.3.4. The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in Adjectives on a Continuum The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in English Adjectives on a Continuum The Linguistic Diagnostics of Boundedness in Chinese Adjectives on a Continuum Introduction

3.4. The Boundedness Continuum as the Base of the Conceptual Framework of Nominalization

3.5. Summary

Chapter 4 The Empirical Study

4.1. Introduction

4.2. Implications of the Boundedness Continuum for L2 Acquisition of English Nominalization by Chinese EFL Learners

4.3. Research Hypotheses

4.4. The Variables for Investigation

4.5. Research Design

4.6. Participants

4.7. Instrumentation

4.7.1. Test of Sensitivity of Boundedness to English Verbs (TOSBEV)

4.7.2. Test of English Deverbal Nominalizations (TOEDVN)

4.7.3. Test of Sensitivity of Boundedness to English Adjectives (TOSBEA)

4.7.4. Test of English Deadjectivall Nominalizations (TOEDAN)

4.7.5. Test of Sensitivity of Boundedness to Chinese Verbs (TOSBCV)

4.7.6. Test of Chinese Deverbal Nominalizations (TOCDVN)

4.7.7. Test of Sensitivity of Boundedness to Chinese Adjectives (TOSBCA).

4.7.8. Test of Chinese Deadjectivall Nominalizations (TOCDAN)

4.8. Procedures

4.9. Data Analysis

4.9.1. Data Preparation

4.9.2. The Statistical Techniques for Quantitative Analysis

Chapter 5 Results of Research Hypotheses

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Results for Hypothesis 1

5.3. Results for Hypothesis 2

5.4. Results for Hypothesis 3

5.5. Results for Hypothesis 4

5.6. Results for Hypothesis 5

5.7. Results for Hypothesis 6

5.8. Results for Hypothesis 7

5.9. Results for Hypothesis 8

Chapter 6 General Discussion

6.1. Summary of Major Findings

6.2. Three Issues concerning Acquisition of Nominalization from the Perspective of Cognitive Linguistics

6.3. Boundedness as a Conceptual Prime and Language Acquisition

6.4. Factors Affecting L2 Acquisition of Deverbal Nominalizations Derived from Unbounded Entities

6.5. Boundeddness in Adjectives and Language Acquisition: A Revisit

6.6. Interaction of Linguistic Proficiency and Entity Type

Chapter 7 Conclusions, Implications and Recommendations for Further Research


7.2.Pedagogical Implications

7.3.Limitations of the Present Study and Recommendations for Further Research



发布时间: 2005-07-15


  • [1].试论近代历史语篇的语言变化[D]. 顾乡.复旦大学2008

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