ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER Ⅰ INTRODUCTION1.1 Significance of the Study1.2 Research Objective1.3 General OrganizationCHAPTER Ⅱ LITERATURE RIVIEW2.1 Collocation and Verb-noun Collocation2.1.1 Definition of Collocation2.1.2 Related Linguistic Concepts2.1.2.1 Free Combination2.1.2.2 Idiom2.1.2.3 Colligation2.1.3 Types of Collocation2.1.3.1 Grammatical Collocation2.1.3.2 Lexical Collocation2.1.4 Definition of Verb-noun Collocation2.1.5 Patterns of Verb-noun Collocation2.1.6 English and Chinese Verb-noun Collocation2.2 Theoretical Basis2.2.1 Error Analysis2.2.1.1 Introduction of Error Analysis2.2.1.2 Procedures of Error Analysis2.2.1.3 Classification of Errors2.2.2 Interlanguage2.2.3 Language Transfer2.2.3.1 Semantic and Syntactic Transfer2.3 Previous Studies on Collocations in the EFL /ESL Contexts2.3.1 Studies on Collocation Abroad2.3.2 Studies on Collocation at HomeCHAPTER Ⅲ METHODOLOGY3.1 Research Questions3.2 Types of Verb-noun Collocation Errors Investigated in the Present Study3.3 Two Levels of Negative Transfer Investigated in the Present Study3.4 Identification of Errors3.5 Subjects3.6 Instruments3.7 Procedures3.8 Data Analysis MethodCHAPTER Ⅳ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION4.1 Variation in the Number of Verb-noun Collocation Errors among Chinese English Learners at Different English Levels4.1.1.R esults4.1.2 Discussion4.2 Variation in the Type of Verb-noun Collocation Errors among Chinese English Learners at Different English Levels4.2.1 Results4.2.2 Discussion4.3 Variation in the Negative Transfer of L1 on Verb-noun Collocations among Chinese English Learners at Different English Levels4.3.1 Results4.3.2 DiscussionCHAPTER Ⅴ CONCLUSION5.1 Findings of the Present Study5.2 Some Pedagogical Implications5.2.1 Raising Learners’Awareness of Collocations5.2.2 Increasing Collocation Input and Output5.2.3 Learning English Collocations with the Help of Dictionary5.2.4 Teaching English Collocations in Comparison with Chinese5.3 Limitations of the Present Study5.4 Suggestions for Further StudyREFERENCESAppendix ⅠAppendix Ⅱ
标签:错误分析论文; 语言迁移论文; 动词名词搭配错误论文; 不同水平的英语学习者论文;
An Empirical Study of Verb-noun Collocation Errors Made by Chinese English Learners in English Writing