AcknowledgmentsAbstract摘要Chapter One IntroductionChapter Two Literature Review2.1 A General Review on Language Policy Research2.1.1 Language Policy, Language Planning and Language Legislation2.1.2 Language Spread Policy2.2 Research on Language Policy of U.S. throughout the World2.2.1 Sociolinguistic-orientated U.S. Language Policy Research2.2.2 Sociopolitical-orientated U.S. Language Policy Research2.2.3 The Research of the U.S. Language Policy in China2.2.4 The Limitations of U.S. Language Policy ResearchChapter Three Theoretical Rationale and Research Design3.1 The Theoretical Foundation of Language Spread3.1.1 Ecolinguistics3.1.1.1 Language Spread and Promotion: From the Perspective of Linguistic Diversity3.1.1.2 Language Spread and Promotion: From the Perspective of Linguistic Human Right3.1.2 Economics of Language Theory3.2 Research Design3.2.1 Data Collection3.2.2 Research MethodsChapter Four American Overseas English Language Policy4.1 American English Background—the Past and Present4.1.1 The Origin of American English4.1.2 The Rise and Growth of American English4.2 American Language Policy in the Past and Present4.2.1 Language Policy during the Colonial Time4.2.2 Language Policy during the Federal Period4.2.3 Language Policy of 20th Century4.2.4 Language Policy of NowadaysChapter Five Findings and Enlightenment on the International Promotion of Chinese5.1 Supports of American English Spread Policy5.1.1 Economic Support5.1.2 Technological Support5.1.3 Cultural Support5.1.4 Educational Support5.2 The Effects of English Spread5.3 The U.S. Language Policy’s Enlightenment on the International Promotion of ChineseChapter Six The Exploration of International Promotion Policy of Chinese6.1 Analysis on the Demand of International Promotion of Chinese6.1.1 The demand from the Development of both China and the World6.1.2 The Demand from International Society6.2 Suggestions on International Promotion of Chinese6.2.1 Appealing to Chinese People to Care about and Love Chinese6.2.2 Making English Learning Serve International Promotion of ChineseChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Major Findings of This Study7.2 Limitations of This Study and Expectations for Further ResearchBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIXES
标签:语言政策论文; 语言传播和推广论文; 美国语言政策论文; 汉语国际推广论文;