摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Purpose of the Research1.3 Research Questions1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Tense2.1.1 Absolute Tense2.1.2 Relative Tense2.2 Aspect2.2.1 Grammatical aspect2.2.2 Lexical aspect and its Classification2.3 Aspect Hypothesis2.3.1 General Introduction of Aspect Hypothesis2.3.2 Relevant studies of Aspect Hypothesis2.3.3 Challenges to the Aspect HypothesisChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Corpus-based Approach3.2 Description of the Corpora3.2.1 CLEC3.2.2 BROWN3.3 Procedure3.3.1 Data collecting3.3.2 Data ProcessingChapter 4 Results and Discussion4.1 Distribution of Progressive Aspect in CLEC4.1.1 Overall Distribution of Progressive Aspect in CLEC4.1.2 The Effects of Lexical Aspect on the Progressive Aspect4.2 Overall Patterns of Progressive Aspect in CLEC and BROWN4.2.1 Comparison of Progressive Aspect in CLEC and BROWN4.2.2 The Usage of Progressive Aspect by Chinese Learners with Different English Proficiency4.3 Discussion4.3.1 The Effects of Aspect Hypothesis on Progressive Aspect4.3.2 The Usage of Progressive Aspect by Different Proficiency Level4.3.3 The Employment of Progressive Aspect by Both Chinese Students and Native SpeakersChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of Major findings5.2 Implications5.2.1 Theoretical Implications5.2.2 Pedagogical Implication5.2.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future ResearchAcknowledgementsBibliographyAppendixArticle Published during MA Study
标签:体假说论文; 情状体论文; 进行体论文;
体假说对中国学生使用进行体的影响 ——基于语料库的研究