摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Introduction of the Study1.2 The Rationale of the Study1.3 Objectives of the Study1.4 Research Methods and Questions1.5 Scope and Layout of the StudyChapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Background for the Present Study2.1 On Persuasion2.1.1 The Denition of Persuasion2.1.2 The Content of Persuasion2.1.3 The Element of Persuasion2.1.4 Psychology as a Guide in Process of Persuasion2.1.5 Covert Communication as a Link2.2 The Study of Persuasion in Rhetoric2.2.1 Traditional Rhetoric2.2.2 Modern Rhetoric2.3 The Study of Persuasion in China2.3.1 Chinese Zong Heng Shu or Shui in Ancient Times2.3.2 The Revival of Zong Heng Shu in Modern Times2.4 The Study of Persuasion in Social Phychology2.4.1 Psychological Theories2.4.2 Sociological Theories2.5 Aristotle's Three Appeals2.6 Linguistic Adaptation Theory2.7 Persuasion in the Present StudyChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Instrument and Data Collection3.2 The Subjects3.3 Methodologies3.4 Research QuestionsChapter 4 Analysis and Discussion4.1 The Persuasive Strategies in Marketing Communication4.1.1 The Strategies by Means of Pathos4.1.1.1 Knowing Your Customer4.1.1.2 Dramatizing the Issue4.1.1.3 Providing Suggestions4.1.2 The Strategies by Means of Logos4.1.2.1 Appealing to Commen Sense4.1.2.2 Persuading by Degrees4.1.3 The Strategies by Means of Ethos4.1.3.1 Demolishing the Opposition4.1.3.2 Evading the Issue4.2 A Description of the Framework4.3 Persuasive Marketing Communication and Adaptation4.3.1 Adaptation to Physical Envioment4.3.1.1 Adaptation to Stretches of Time4.3.1.2 Adaptation of the Enviroment of Shpping4.3.1.3 Adaptation of Physical Appearance4.3.1.4 Adaptation to Different Sexes4.3.1.5 Adaptation to Different Ages4.3.2 Adaptation to Social Conventions4.3.2.1 Adaptation to the Being Honest and Reliable4.3.2.2 Addressing4.3.2.3 The Custom of Figures4.3.3 Adaptation to Psychological Motivations4.3.3.1 Phychological Motivations4.3.3.2 The Need for Pleasing to the Eye4.3.3.3 The Need for Fine Quality4.3.3.4 The Motivation of Low Price4.3.3.5 The Desire for Esteem4.3.3.6 The Motivation to Follow the Consumption of PopularityChapter 5 Conclusions and Implications5.1 Major Findings and Conclusion5.2 Contributions of the Study5.3 Limitations5.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchReferencesAppendix:Part of the Transcript of the Tape-recordingAcknowledgementsPublication研究生履历
标签:说服论文; 说服三要素论文; 语言顺应论论文; 物理环境论文; 社会规约论文; 心理动机论文;