摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Current College English Learning and Teaching in China1.2 Necessity to Study Pragmatic Failure1.3 Purpose and Significance of the ThesisChapter 2 Domestic and Foreign Research on Pragmatic Failures2.1 Pragmatic Failure2.2 Research on Pragmatic Failure at Home and AbroadChapter 3 Politeness Formulae and Politeness Theories3.1 Definitions of Politeness in Chinese and Western Societies3.2 Definitions of Politeness Formulae3.3 Chinese and Western Politeness PrinciplesChapter 4 The Survey of Pragmatic Failures from the Perspective of PolitenessFormulae4.1 Methodology4.1.1 Objectives4.1.2 Subjects4.1.3 Instruments4.1.4 Procedures4.1.5 Data Collection and Data Analysis4.2 Results and Discussion4.2.1 Overview of Students' Pragmatic Failures4.2.2 Detailed Results from TestingChapter 5 Analysis of the Results of the Research from the Perspective of PolitenessFormulae5.1 Form of addressing5.2 Greeting5.3 Compliments5.4 Requesting5.5 Apologizing5.6 Leave-takingChapter 6 Pedagogic Implications for Developing Pragmatic Competence6.1 Teaching Language in Context6.2 Teaching Cultural Information of Target Language6.3 Student-centered Teaching and Task-based Classroom Activities6.4 Authentic MaterialsChapter 7 Conclusion7.1 Major Findings7.2 Limitations of the ResearchBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
标签:语用失误论文; 礼貌语论文; 大学英语教学论文;