Acknowledgements内容摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter One Consecutive Interpretation1.1 What is Consecutive Interpretation1.1.1 The Definition of Consecutive Interpretation1.1.2 The Occasions of Consecutive Interpretation1.2 Current Studies on CI1.2.1 A Brief Introduction to CI in China1.2.2 Current Studies on CI1.3 The Significance of Studying CP in CIChapter Two The Cooperative Principle2.1 Grice and CP2.1.1 An Introduction to Paul Grice2.1.2 What’s CP?2.2 The Contributions and Weaknesses of CP2.2.1 The Contributions of CP2.2.2 The Weaknesses of CP2.3 The Mode of CP in Consecutive Interpretation2.3.1 CI as a Means of Communication2.3.2 The Lasswell Formula2.3.3 The Mode of CP in Consecutive InterpretationChapter Three Main Factors that Affect the Interpreter’s Performance in CI3.1 The Eight Features of Oral Speech Compared with Written Language3.2 Factor one The Auditory and Visual Information3.2.1 The Auditory Cognition3.2.2 Visual Information---Note-taking3.3 Factor Two The Effect of Presence and the Effect of Absence3.3.1 The Effect of Presence3.3.2 The Effect of Absence3.4 The Conscious or Subconscious Violation of the CPChapter Four The Suggested Strategies for Interpreters to Obtain the CP in CI4.1 The Gile Model of CI4.2 How to Cope with the Occasions when the Participants Observe the CP4.3 How to Cope with the Cases when the Participants Violate the CP4.3.1 The Strategy of Addition4.3.2 The Strategy of Deletion4.3.3 The Strategy of TransferConclusionBibliography
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