Acknowlesgements摘要AbstractAbbreviationsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Overall structure of the thesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Introduction2.2 Definition2.2.1 The definitions of syllabus in foreign countries2.2.2 The definitions of syllabus in China2.2.3 The definitions of English syllabus in China2.2.4 The definitions of the scope of basic English syllabus2.2.5 The definitions of the scope of higher English syllabus2.3 Studies on English syllabus2.3.1 Studies on English syllabus abroad2.3.2 Studies on English syllabus in China2.4 The functions of English syllabus2.5 The compiling principles for English syllabus2.6 Historical Review of English Teaching Syllabus After the Founding of PRC2.6.1 English teaching syllabus of high school(1949-2008) Development of full-time high school English syllabus during the first phrase(1978-1990) HSES during the second phase(1993-2000) SHSES in the third phase(2000 up to now)2.6.2 English teaching of higher education2.6.2.1 CES (Draft) 1980—A Starting Point in syllabus design2.6.2.2 CETS (for natural sciences) 1985 & CETS (for liberal sciences) 1986—The first two separate syllabus2.6.2.3 CETS (revised edition) 1999—A revised integral curriculum2.6.2.4 CECR 2004—A Curriculum of Comprehensive Reforms2.7 The specific embodiment of ideal "streamline" English teaching system in the basic and higher syllabusChapter 3 Research Methodology3.1 Introduction3.2 Research questions3.3 Participants3.4 Instruments3.5 Data collection3.5.1 Comparative analysis3.5.2 Interview3.6 Data ananlysisChapter 4 Findings and Discussion4.1 Introduction4.2 Findings of comparative analysis of SHSES and CECR4.2.1 Cohesive parts of SHSES and CECR4.2.1.1 The same orientation of general teaching objectives and views of language learning4.2.1.2 The cohesion of high school curriculum objectives and college teaching requirement4. Comparison of Band 7 in SHSES and Basic Requirements in CECR4. Comparison of Band 8 in SHSES and Intermediate Requirements in CECR4. Comparison of Band 9 in SHSES and Advanced Requirement in CECR4.2.2 The incohesive parts of SHSES and CECR4.2.2.1 The incohesion of requirements for translation ability4.2.2.2 The incohesion of teaching approach and teaching model4.2.2.3 The incohesion of the requirements for affective attitudes objective4.3 Findings of interview data4.3.1 Teacher A's interview4.3.2 Teacher B's interview4.3.3 Teacher C's interview4.3.4 Teacher D's interview4.3.5 Teacher E's interview4.3.6 Teacher F's interview4.3.7 The factors affecting the connection between SHSES and CECR4.4 Suggestions on the streamline English language teaching in high school and university4.5 Teaching idea4.5.1 Integrated textbook and optimized course design on the basis of the connection between CET and HSET4.5.2 Training of students'habit of English thinking4.5.3 Students'autonomous learning ability4.5.4 Research on the differences between high school English and college English4.6 Teaching methods4.6.1 The guidance of learning methods to students in English teaching4.6.2 The adequate attention to applied teaching4.6.3 The transformation of the cut-in point of teaching4.6.4 Systematic teaching4.7 Teaching content4.7.1 Vocabulary teaching4.7.2 Grammar Teaching4.7.3 Fully utilizing the overlap between HSET and CET4.7.4 Emphasis on listening and speaking ability4.8 Teaching evaluationChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Summary of the findings5.2 Pedagogical implications5.3 Limitations of the research5.4 Further researchReferencesAppendix 1《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈提纲(大学教师版)Appendix 2《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈提纲(高中教师版)Appendix 3《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(大学教师A)Appendix 4《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(大学教师B)Appendix 5《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(大学教师C)Appendix 6《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(高中教师D)Appendix 7《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(高中教师E)Appendix 8《高中英语课程标准》与《大学英语课程教学要求》衔接性访谈录音稿(高中教师F)个人简历
标签:高中英语论文; 大学英语论文; 课程标准论文; 课程教学要求论文; 衔接论文;
Correlative Study on English Syllabuses between High School and University