摘要AbstractIntroductionChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Scaffolding1.1.1 The Definition of Scaffolding1.1.2 Types of Scaffolding1.1.2.1 Soft Scaffolding1.1.2.2 Hard Scaffolding1.1.3 The Nature of Scaffolding:Transitory and Dynamic1.1.4 The Characteristics and Functions of Scaffolding1.2 The Related Researches and Studies about Scaffolding Instruction1.2.1 Effective Touring and Scaffolding in Touring Setting1.2.2 Effective Instruction and Scaffolding in Classroom1.2.3 Scaffolding in EFL Classroom1.3 Theoretic Foundations1.3.1 Constructivism and ZPD Theory1.3.2 Comprehensible Input Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis1.3.3 Interaction Hypothesis1.3.4 Communicative Competence1.3.5 Framework of the ThesisChapter 2 Research Design2.1 Research Purpose2.2 Research Hypothesis and Questions2.3 Research Techniques and Procedure2.4 Research Samples2.4.1 Sample Selection2.4.2 Participants2.4.3 Instructional Materials2.5 Data Collection and AnalysisChapter 3 Research Results3.1 Results of the Survey3.1.1 Teacher Interviews3.1.2 Student Questionnaires3.2 Results of Qualitative Data Collected in the Experimental Study3.2.1 Classroom Observation3.2.1.1 Pre-study Classroom Observation3.2.1.2 Classroom Observation during Experimental Lessons3.2.2 Student Group Notes3.2.3 The Teacher's Interview at the End of the Experiment3.3 Results of Pretest and PosttestChapter 4 Discussions4.1 Scaffolding Required by Students4.2 Scaffolding Barely Provided by the Teacher in Traditional Junior- Middle -School EFL Classroom4.3 Various Effective Scaffolding in EFL Classroom for LEP Students4.3.1 Goals as Hard Scaffolding4.3.1.1 Teacher's Goal4.3.1.2 Students' Goal4.3.1.3 Contents' Goal4.3.1.4 Tasks' Goal4.3.2 Teacher Talk as both Soft Scaffolding and Hard Scaffolding4.3.2.1 Teacher Speech Modification4.3.2.2 Teacher Requests and Questions4.3.2.3 Teacher Feedback4.3.3 Scaffolding in Forms of Concrete Materials4.3.3.1 Cards and Charts4.3.3.2 Examples and Symbolic Props4.3.4 Peer Scaffolding and Self-scaffolding in Action4.3.4.1 Practicing Model Dialogue4.3.4.2 Role-playing in "Real-world" Conversation4.3.4.3 Task Achieving or Problem Solving4.3.4.4 Presentation before Class or Group4.4 The Impacts of Scaffolding on Oral Interaction in an EFL Classroom4.4.1 More Varieties of Comprehensible Input Provided with Scaffolding4.4.2 More Oral Interactions Produced through Eliciting Output with Scaffolding4.4.3 Acquiring Linguistic Knowledge through Frequent Oral Interaction Practice with Scaffolding4.4.4 Students' Interest and Confidence in Spoken Language EnhancedConclusionBibliographyAppendixAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix ⅤAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间主要的研究成果目录
标签:口语交际能力论文; 支架论文; 建构主义及最近发展区论文; 互动论文;