中文摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Objectives and Significance of Present Study1.3 Data and Methodology1.4 Layout of this ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Defining Evidentiality and Evidentials2.2 Classification of Evidentials2.3 A Brief Account of Adaptation Theory2.3.1 Adaptability2.3.2 Contextual Correlates of Adaptability2.3.3 Contextual Adaptation and Evidentiality2.4 TV Interviews2.4.1 The Features of TV Interviews Language2.4.2 Previous Studies on TV Interviews2.5 SummaryChapter Three Analysis of Evidentials in the Data3.1 Frequency of Evidentials in the Data3.2 Distribution of Evidentials in the Data3.3 Types of and Realization Patterns of Evidentials in the Data3.3.1 Belief Evidentials3.3.2 Induction Evidentials3.3.3 Hearsay Evidentials3.3.4 Deduction Evidentials3.3.5 Reliability Evidentials3.3.6 Verbal Resources Evidentials3.3.7 Expectation Evidentials3.4 SummaryChapter Four Adaptation and Interpersonal Functions of Evidentials in TV Interviews4.1 Adaptation of Evidentials4.1.1 Adaptation to the Language Users:Utterer and Interpreter4.1.1.1 Adaptation to the Utterer's Voices4.1.1.2 Adaptation to the Interpreter's Many Roles4.1.2 Adaptation to the Mental World4.1.2.1 Adaptation to Emotions4.1.2.2 Adaptation to Psychological Motivation4.1.3 Adaptation to the Social World4.1.3.1 Adaptation to the Setting4.1.3.2 Adaptation to Social-cultural Norms4.1.4 Adaptation to the Physical World4.2 Interpersonal Functions of Evidentials4.2.1 Creating a Harmonious Atmosphere4.2.2 Shifting Responsibility4.2.3 Enhancing Emotions4.2.4 Pushing the Conversation to Move Smoothly4.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Implications5.3 Limitations and SuggestionsBibliographyAcknowledgementsAppendix个人简历在学期间的研究成果及发表的学术论文
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