AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 General description of the study1.2 Significance of the study1.3 Overall structure of the thesisChapter Two Literature review2.1 Definitions of key terms2.1.1 General definition of motivation2.1.2 Gardner and Lambert’s dichotomous definition of motivation2.1.3 Deci’s dichotomous definition of motivation2.1.4 Dornyei’s three-level categorization of motivation2.1.5 Ellis’four-level categorization of motivation2.1.6 Operational definition of motivation2.1.7 Definition or introduction about college English pedagogical reform2.2 Theoretical framework2.2.1 Humanism2.2.2 Constructivism2.2.3 Input Hypothesis2.2.4 Affective Filter Hypothesis2.3 Review of Previous studies2.3.1 Overseas studies on learning motivation2.3.2 Domestic studies on learning motivation2.3.3 Brief review of foreign language pedagogical reformChapter Three Methodology3.1 Research questions3.2 Research design3.2.1 Quantitative research3.2.1.1 Subjects3.2.1.2 Instrument3.2.1.3 Data collection and data analysis3.2.2 Qualitative research3.2.2.1 Interviewees3.2.2.2 Instrument3.2.2.3 Data collection and data analysisChapter Four Results and Discussion4.1 Results and discussion about the quantitative study4.1.1 Students’motivation before the college English pedagogical reform4.1.2 Students’motivation a semester after the college English pedagogical reform4.1.3 Comparison of results of the two surveys4.2 Results and discussion of the qualitative research4.2.1 Less anxiety and more confidence achieved through graded placement4.2.2 Meaningful activities and relaxed learning atmosphere characteristic of the small classroom instruction 4.2.3 Complementary function of students’ autonomous on-line learning realized in the self-access center4.2.4 Benefits of teachers’individual coaching obtainable in the self-access centerChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major findings5.2 Pedagogical implications5.3 Limitations of the present study5.4 Further research suggestionsReferencesAppendix I:非英语专业大学生英语学习动机问卷调查Appendix II:Translation of Interview Transcripts
标签:大学英语论文; 教学改革论文; 英语学习动机论文;