AcknowledgementsAbstract内容摘要1 Introduction1.1 Objective of the Study1.2 Structuralism and Language Comprehension1.3 Systemic-Functional Grammar and Language Comprehension1.4 The Overall Structure of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Past Studies on Context2.1.1 Overseas Scholars’Studies of Context2.1.2 The Chinese Scholars’Studies of Context2.2 EFL Reading Comprehension2.2.1 Reading Involves an Interaction Between the Writer and the Reader2.2.2 Meaning is Central in the Reading Process2.2.3 The Reader Plays an Active Role in Reading3 Classification and Application of Context in EFL Reading Comprehension3.1 Classification of Context3.1.1 Linguistic Context3.1.2 Non-linguistic Context3.2 Application of Context in EFL Reading Comprehension3.2.1 The Application of Linguistic Context3.2.2 The Application of Non-linguistic Context4 ConclusionBibliographyAppendix
标签:语境论文; 语言语境论文; 非语言语境论文; 英语阅读理解论文;