Oxford (1993)认为学习策略是学生为了提高二语技能而采取的行动、行为、步骤和方法。根据班杜拉(1986, 1994)的定义,自我效能感指的是人对自己能达到任务成就的既定水平的能力判断,而这些任务成就对生活实施影响。它对语言发展有调节作用。学习策略和自我效能感都是影响学习进程的两大重要变量。本文运用定量分析的方法,采用问卷形式以及借助SPSS10.0统计软件,对96名电大英语专业学生的英语学习策略和英语自我效能感的状况进行了调查研究并探讨了两者之间的关系。研究结果表明电大英语专业学生学习策略的使用状况及英语自我效能感水平均处于一般水平;在所有策略类别中,学生使用频率最高的是社会策略,而在英语自我效能感三维度中,学生拥有效能感最高的是课程应对感。本研究发现不同家庭背景出身(来自农村还是城市)及不同学习成绩水平的学生在英语学习策略使用和英语自我效能感水平上存在着差异而来自不同类型学校(高中或中专)的学生在上述两方面没有显著差异。统计分析也确认了英语学习策略与学习成绩,英语自我效能感与学习成绩以及英语学习策略和英语自我效能感的正相关关系。本研究的结果进一步支持了英语学习策略和英语自我效能感对英语学习起着重要的作用这一观点,并为英语学习策略和自我效能感正相关的关系提供了依据。作者基于研究发现和分析,就如何提高电大英语专业学生的策略使用和自我效能感提出了一些建议,以期促进英语教学和学习的实践。
AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 The Background of the Research1.2 The Purpose and Significance of the Research1.3 Layout of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 The Studies of Learning Strategies2.1.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies2.1.2 Classifications of Language Learning Strategies2.1.3 The Development of Language Learning Strategy Research Abroad2.1.4 The Research of Language Learning Strategies in China2.2 The Studies of Self-efficacy2.2.1 The Definition and General Introduction of Self-efficacy2.2.2 The Roles of Self-efficacy2.2.3 The Sources of Self-efficacy2.2.4 Research on Self-efficacy Application in Academic Settings 2.3 The Studies of the Relationship of Language Learning Strategies and Self-efficacyChapter Three Research Methodology3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.3 Data Collection and AnalysisChapter Four Research Results4.1 Results of English Learning Strategies of TV University English Majors4.1.1 Overall Tendency in English Learning Strategy Use4.1.2 Comparisons of Different Groups of Students4.1.3 The Correlation between English Learning Strategies and Achievement4.2 Results of English Self-efficacy of TV University English Majors4.2.1 Overall Tendency of English Self-efficacy4.2.2 Comparisons of Different Groups of Students4.2.3 The Correlation between English Self-efficacy and Achievement4.3 The Correlation between English Learning Strategies and English Self-efficacyChapter Five Findings and Analyses 5.1 Overall Tendency and Comparisons of Groups in English Leaning Strategy Use5.2 Overall Tendency and Comparisons of Groups in English Self-efficacy5.3 The Relationship between English Learning Strategies and Achievement5.4 The Relationship between English Self-efficacy and Achievement5.5 The Relationship between English Learning Strategies and Self-efficacyChapter Six Implications and Suggestions6.1 Implications and Suggestions for Developing English Learning Strategies6.1.1 Raising Strategy-awareness6.1.2 Enhancing Cognitive Strategy Use6.1.3 Improving Affective Strategy Use6.1.4 Strengthening Metacognitive Strategy Use6.1.5 Treating Mother-tongue Strategies Correctly6.2 Implications and Suggestions for Enhancing English Self-efficacy6.2.1 Experiencing More Success and Attributing Success Correctly6.2.2 Setting Successful Models6.2.3 Providing Appropriate and Positive Feedback, Evaluation and Encouragement6.2.4 Helping to Minimize the Negative Physiological and Emotional States6.2.5 Raising English Learning Strategy UseChapter Seven Conclusion7.1 Conclusion7.2 Proposals for Further ResearchReferencesAppendix
标签:英语学习策略论文; 英语自我效能感论文; 关系论文; 电大英语专业学生论文;