Abstract摘要AcknowledgementsChapter One: Introduction1.1 Nonverbal Language in Communication1.1.1 Pragmatic Functions of Nonverbal Language in Communication1.1.2 Importance of Nonverbal Language in Communication1.2 Purpose of This Thesis1.3 Layout of This ThesisChapter Two: Literature Review2.1 The Historical Perspective of Nonverbal Communication2.2 Theoretical Origin of Nonverbal Language2.2.1 Jenny. Thomas' Definition of Pragmatic Failure2.2.2 Limitations of Thomas' Definition2.2.3 Re-defining Intercultural Pragmatic Failure2.3 Bi Jiwan's Intercultural Nonverbal CommunicationChapter Three: Forms of Nonverbal Pragmatic Failures3.1 Introduction of Nonverbal Pragmatic Failure3.2 Pragmatic Failure of Body Language3.2.1 Definition of Body Language3.2.2 Pragmatic Failure of Body Language3.3 Pragmatic Failure of Paralanguage3.3.1 Definition of Paralanguage3.3.2 Pragmatic Failure of Paralanguage3.4 Pragmatic Failure of Object Language3.4.1 Definition of Object Language3.4.2 Forms of Pragmatic Failure of Object Language3.5 Pragmatic Failure of Environmental Language3.5.1 Definition of Environmental Language3.5.2 Forms of Pragmatic Failure of Environmental LanguageChapter Four: Causes of Nonverbal Pragmatic Failure4.1 Culture & the Differences Between Cultures—from the Objective Perspective4.1.1 Definition of Culture4.1.2 Culture & Communication4.1.3 Cultural Features of Nonverbal Language4.1.4 Culture's Impact on Nonverbal Communication4.1.4.1 Culture's Nonverbal Message Systems4.1.4.2 Culture May Bring Improper Cultural Attitudes4.2 Communicators in the Cross-cultural Communication —from the Subjective Perspective4.2.1 Seeking Similarities4.2.2 Uncertainty Reduction4.2.3 Stereotyping and Prejudice4.2.3.1 Stereotyping4.2.3.2 Prejudice4.2.4 EthnocentrismChapter Five: Strategies to Deal with Nonverbal Pragmatic Failures5.1 Strategies Related Closely to Culture—from the Macroscopic Angle5.1.1 Awareness of Cultures' Differences5.1.2 Awareness of Cultures' Equality5.1.3 Avoiding Inappropriate Cultural Attitudes5.1.4 Viewing Cultural Norms Dynamically5.2 Strategies Related to the Communicators in the Cross-cultural Communication—from the Microscopic Angle5.2.1 Knowing ourselves5.2.2 Considering the Physical and Human Settings5.2.3 Knowing Diverse Nonverbal Message Systems5.2.4 Developing Empathy5.2.5 Encouraging Feedback5.2.6 Developing Communication FlexibilityChapter Six: Conclusion and Revelations of the Thesis6.1 Conclusion6.2 Revelations on Future Language Teaching and Learning6.3 Revelations on Future Concerned ResearchWorks Cited
标签:非言语语言语用失误论文; 形式论文; 原因论文; 策略论文;
A Study of Nonverbal Pragmatic Failure: Forms, Causes, and Avoiding Strategies