Abstract (Chinese Version)AbstractSynopsis (Chinese Version)SynopsisChapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.1.1 Brief Retrospection of Metaphor Studies1.1.2 The Current State of Metaphor Study1.2 Aims of the Dissertation1.3 The Organization of the ThesisChapter Two Conceptual Metaphor Theory2.1 Conceptual Metaphor2.1.1 The Basis of Conceptual Metaphor-Experientialism2.1.2 Cognitive Context Underlying the Understanding of Conceptual Metaphor2.1.3 The Mechanism of Conceptual MetaphorChapter Three The Features of Conceptual Metaphor: Systematicity and Coherence3.1 Systematicity3.1.1 Metaphorical Highlighting and Hiding3.2 Coherence3.2.1 Coherence of Conceptual Metaphors with the Same Target Domain but Different Source Domains3.2.2 Coherence of Conceptual Metaphors with the Same Source Domain but Different Target Domains3.2.3 Coherence among Different Conceptual MetaphorsChapter Four Text Coherence and Textual Coherent Function of Conceptual Metaphor4.1 Text and Discourse4.2 Text and Context4.3 Cohesion4.4 Coherence4.4.1 Semantic Coherence4.4.2 Pragmatic Coherence4.4.3 Cognitive Coherence4.5 Coherent Function of Conceptual Metaphor in Texts4.5.1 Experiential Basis of Conceptual Metaphor and Context of Texts4.5.2 Mapping of Conceptual Metaphor and Structures of Texts4.5.3 Metaphorical Chains and Cohesive Resources in Texts4.6 Highlighting and Hiding Features of Conceptual Metaphor and Topics of TextsChapter Five Sample Analysis5.1 Method5.2 Sample analysis5.2.1 Sample One : A Prose that Realizes One Conceptual Metaphor5.2.2 Sample Two: A Poem Composed by Two Conceptual Metaphors5.2.3 Sample Three: A Conversation Realized by More Than Several Conceptual MetaphorsChapter Six Summary6.1 Summary6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Further StudyReferences攻读学位期间承担的科研任务与主要成果Acknowledgements个人简历
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