摘要ABSTRACTChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Status Quo of Modern Jewish American Literature1.2 Saul Bellow’s Life and Career1.3 Saul Bellow’s HerzogChapter 2 Literature Review and Methodology2.1 Literature Review2.2 Writing Motivation2.3 Methodology2.3.1 Post-colonialism2.3.2 TranscendentalismChapter 3 Confusion of Herzog’s Jewish and American identities3.1 The Manifestation of Native3.1.1 The Background of American Society3.1.2 Madeline and Gersbach as Native3.1.3 Herzog as Native3.1.3.1 Image3.1.3.2 Social Status3.2 Herzog as Other3.2.1 Judaism3.2.1.1 Jewish Vagrant History3.2.1.2.J udaism3.2.2 Root of Herzog3.2.2.1 Family root3.2.2.2.Biblical root3.3 Confusion of Two Identities3.3.1 Self-margin3.3.2 Vagrancy3.2.2.1 Spatiality3.2.2.2 SpiritualChapter 4 The Salvation of Herzog4.1 Escape4.1.1 Escape to Friends4.1.2 Escape to Memory4.1.3 Escape to Universal Truth4.2 Getting Rid of Visible and Invisible Control4.2.1 Visible Control4.2.2 Invisible Control4.3 A Call of Love and Responsibility to Family4.4 A Return to Nature4.4.1 Achieving a kind of Transcendency4.4.2 Finding a New Identity “The Third Space”Chapter 5 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgementsPublication
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