Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 Objectives and significance of the study1.3 Organization of the study2 Literature Review2.1 The definition of impoliteness2.2. Impoliteness study abroad2.3 Impoliteness study in China3 Adaptation Theory3.1 Making Choices3.2 Three properties of language3.3 Four angles of investigation3.3.1 Contextual correlates of adaptability3.3.2 Structural objects of adaptability3.3.3 Dynamics of adaptability3.3.4 Salience of the adaptation process3.4 Summary4 An Analysis of the Impoliteness in The Big Bang Theory within AdaptationTheory4.1 A brief introduction to the sitcom The Big Bang Theory and relevant studies4.2 Methodology and Data Collection4.3 Categorization of impoliteness based on Culpeper's impoliteness model in The Big Bang Theory4.3.1 Bald on record impoliteness4.3.2 Positive impoliteness4.3.3 Negative impoliteness4.3.4 Sarcasm or mock politeness4.3.5 Withhold politeness4.4 Categorization of impoliteness response based on Culpeper's impoliteness response model in The Big Bang Theory4.4.1 No response4.4.2 Offensive counter4.4.3 Defensive counter4.5 Language users' multiple roles4.6 Impoliteness in different levels4.6.1 Sound4.6.2 Words and morphemes4.6.3 Clauses and sentences4.6.4 Suprasentential Units4.7 Impoliteness and Characterization4.7.1 Arrogance4.7.2 Sarcasm4.7.3 Bluntness4.7.4 Childlike quality5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Limitations and SuggestionsBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文附录1
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