AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要List of figuresList of tablesList of abbreviations1 Introduction1.1 Context of the study1.2 Purpose of the study1.3 Research questions1.4 Definition of key term1.5 Significance of the study1.6 Structure of the thesis2 Assessing listening comprehension2.1 Nature of listening comprehension2.1.1 Cognitive processes of listening comprehension2.1.2 Features of listening comprehension2.1.3 Knowledge used in listening comprehension2.2 Construct of listening2.2.1 Construct definition2.2.2 Listening comprehension ability2.3 Factors that affect performance on listening tests2.3.1 Theoretical models2.3.2 Empirical studies3 Research on test task characteristics3.1 Theoretical framework of test task characteristics3.2 Identifying characteristics of listening tasks3.2.1 Text materials3.2.2 Expected response3.2.3 Item3.3 Factors affecting difficulty of listening tasks3.3.1 Text features that affect difficulty3.3.2 Task features that affect difficulty3.3.3 Empirical studies4 Research on test-taker characteristics4.1 Characteristics of individuals in language tests4.2 Describing test-taker characteristics4.3 Socio-psychological factors of test-takers4.3.1 Attitudes4.3.2 Test-taking motivation4.3.3 Test anxiety4.4 Strategic factors of test-takers4.4.1 Concept of strategic factors4.4.2 Empirical studies on strategy use5 Design of the current research5.1 A framework of factors affecting performance on EFL listening tests5.1.1 Components of test task related variables5.1.2 Components of test-taker related variables5.2 Research design5.3 Test tasks used in the research5.3.1 CET listening subtest5.3.2 CET listening tasks6 A documentary study on CET -4 listening passages6.1 Purpose of the study6.2 Listening input materials and items6.3 Variables assessing task characteristics6.4 Procedures6.5 Results and discussion on passage analyses6.5.1 Descriptive results of the text materials6.5.2 Analysis of variance across text groups6.5.3 Task input features of CET-4 listening passages6.6 Results and discussion of item analyses6.6.1 Factor analysis of the item-related variables6.6.2 Correlation analysis6.6.3 Regression analysis6.7 Conclusions7 An empirical study on EFL test-takers7.1 Purpose of the study7.2 Participants7.3 Instruments7.3.1 The English proficiency test7.3.2 Listening comprehension tests7.3.3 The test-taker questionnaire7.4 Variables used in the study7.5 Procedures7.5.1 Pilot study7.5.2 Administration of the tests7.5.3 Statistical analysis7.6 Results and discussion7.6.1 Overall results7.6.2 Effects of task characteristics on test performance .7.6.3 Test-taker characteristics and language proficiency7.6.4 Effects of test-taker characteristics on test performance7.6.5 Interactions of test-taker characteristics and item types7.6.6 Investigation of gender differences7.7 Conclusions8 A retrospective study on test performances8.1 Purpose of the study8.2 Theoretical assumptions8.2.1 Test-taking process of listening comprehension8.2.2 Verbal protocol analysis8.2.3 A strategy framework8.3 Data collection8.3.1 Sample8.3.2 Listening tasks8.3.3 Data elicitation8.3.4 Data transcription8.4 Data analysis8.4.1 Effects of test-takers’socio-psychological factors8.4.2 Effects of test-takers’strategic factors8.4.3 Performance on multiple-choice items8.4.4 Performance on the dictation task8.5 Conclusions9 Conclusions9.1 Summary of major findings9.2 Limitations of the research9.3 Implications9.4 Suggestions for future researchReferencesAppendices
标签:测试任务特征论文; 考生个人特征论文; 听力测试论文;