AcknowledgementABSTRACT中文摘要Chapter I Introduction1.1 Situations of the Chinese Students’EFL Reading1.2 A General Introduction of the Objectives of the Study1.3 The Organization of the DissertationChapter II Reading2.1 Reading and Reading Comprehension2.1.1 Different views on reading2.1.2 Reading Comprehension2.2 Reading As a Process2.3 Three Reading Models2.3.1 Bottom-up and Top-Down2.3.2 Critique of the Reading Models2.3.3 An Interactive Model of The Reading Process2.3.4 Summary and ImplicationChapter III Schematic View of Reading3.1 Definition of Schemata3.2 Structure of Schemata3.3 The Schema Theory of Reading3.4 Three Types of Schemata3.4.1 Linguistic Schemata3.4.2 Content Schemata3.4.3 Formal Schemata3.5 Three Causes of Failure in ComprehensionChapter IV Implications and Applications of Schema Theory in Teaching of Reading4.1 Implications and Applications4.1.1 Schema in Pre-reading Activities4.1.2 Schema in Vocabulary Instruction4.1.3 Schema in Comprehension Instruction4.1.4 Schema in Material Selection4.2 A Sample Teaching Plan4.3 ConclusionChapter V Limitations and Difficulties of Schema Theory in Teaching of Reading5.1 Limitations and Difficulties Caused by Linguistic Schema5.2 Limitations and Difficulties Caused by Formal Schema5.3 Limitations and Difficulties Caused by Content SchemaChapter VI Suggestions6.1 Enriching Schemata by Encouraging Reading Extensively6.2 Enriching Schemata by Developing Socio-cultural Competence6.3 Enriching Schemata by Developing Students’Vocabulary6.4 Activating Schemata by Employing Some Metacognitive StrategiesChapter VII ConclusionBIBLIOGRAPHYAppendix
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