论文题目: 世贸组织保障措施与针对中国的过渡期特保机制
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 国际贸易学
作者: 韩旭
导师: 车丽娟
关键词: 保障措施协议,特保机制特保条款,重要损害,重大贸易转移,世贸组织恶性,良性条款
文献来源: 东北财经大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 世贸组织保障措施由《保障措施协议》与GATT19条组成,一直被视为比一般世贸法规更富争议性也更艰涩难懂。通过本文对世贸组织保障体系,特别是关于过渡期特保机制的中国入世协定书第16条(以下统称“特保条款”)的分析,我们可以在两者间的详细比较的基础上对特保机制的保护主义性质形成一个较清晰的认识。 特保条款是主要的世贸组织恶性条款之一,与传统保障措施所要求的损害程度相比,它的要求更低,因而更易实施。进口国只需通过适用于反倾销案的“重要损害”调查而非适用于保障措施案的“严重损害”即可实施保障措施。特保条款还使成员国可以借“重大贸易转移”来更好的保护自己。 尽管特保条款因有损于世贸组织建立更自由,更有秩序的世界贸易体系的努力而问题多多,可是由于特保条款因其有较强专业性而凌驾于《保障措施协议》之上,世贸组织成员国仍可随意实施特保措施。 考虑到世贸组织的终极目标,诸如特保条款之类的恶性条款应尽量避免在以后的入世议定书中出现。然而由于中国入世议定书中的特保条款早木己成舟,今后努力的重点应是以世贸组织的一贯精神来正确解释它。 本文审视了特保条款对世贸组织法律体系的影响,通过对特保条款与世贸组织《保障措施协议》之间关系的认定,本文尝试对特保条款提出一种合理的解释以尽量淡化其保护主义的属性,从而更加符合世贸组织的基本原则。
Ⅰ. General Overview of WTO Safeguard Measures
1.1 WTO Safeguard Regime
1.2 The Two Major Determination
1.2.1 "Increased Imports" The Determination of "Unforeseen Development" The Absolute or Relative Nature of the Increase Substantial Characteristics; Quantity and Duration of the Increase
1.2.2 "Serious Injury" Definition of Serious Injury/Threat of Serious Injury and Domestic Industry The Determination of Serious Injury/Threat of Serious Injury
1.3 Remedies
1.3.1 Definitive Safeguard Measures and Its Duration
1.3.2 Provisional Measures
1.3.3 Non-Discriminatory Application of Safeguard Measures
1.3.4 Compensation and Suspension of Substantially Equivalent Obligations
Ⅱ. Transitional Product Specific Safeguard Mechanism towards China: Introduction and Analytical Framework
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Analytical Framework
2.2.1 Accession Protocols
2.2.2 Two Tensions In the WTO Legal System
2 2.2.1 Protection of National Interest vs. Further Liberalization Power-Oriented vs. Rule-Based System
Ⅲ. Major Characteristics of TPSSM
3.1 Background
3.1.1 Political Background
3.1.2 Legal Background
3.2. Section 16 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China
3.2.1 Market Disruption
3.2.2 Market Diversion
3.2.3 Other Characteristics in Comparison with the Traditional Safeguard Measures of the WTO Agreement on Safeguards
Ⅳ. Cases Regarding Section 16 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China
4.1 United States: Cases on Section 421 of the Trade Act of 1974
4.1.1 Domestic Industry
4.1.2 Rapidly Increasing Imports
4.1.3 Material Injury or Threat of Material Injury
4.1.4 Significant Cause
4.1.5 Proposed Remedies
4.2 European Union: Case on Council Regulation No (EC) 519/94 and No (EC)427/2003
4.2.1 Incorporation into Domestic Law
4.2.2 Case on Council Regulation No (EC) 519/94 and No (EC) 427/2003
4.3 Implications: The Attitude of the United States and EU In Interpreting Their Domestic Laws on TPSSM
Ⅴ. Implication of TPSSM on the WTO Legal System
5.1 Protection of National Interest vs. Further Liberalization
5.2 Power-Oriented vs. Rule-Based System
5.3 TPSSM: A WTO Departure or a Buffering Mechanism?
Ⅵ. Conclusion/Recommendations
6.1 Interpreting the Rule: Relationship between Section 16 of the Protocol on the Accession of the People's Republic of China and the WTO Agreement on Safeguards
6.1.1 Factors to Consider
6.1.2 In Case of 'Serious Injury'
6.1.3 In Case of 'Material Injury'
6.2 Conclusion
6.3 recommendations
6.3.1 WTO Members' Concems About TPSSM
6.3.2 Chinese Regulations on Safeguard Measures
发布时间: 2006-12-26
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标签:保障措施协议论文; 特保机制特保条款论文; 重要损害论文; 重大贸易转移论文; 世贸组织恶性论文; 良性条款论文;