中文摘要AbstractAcknowledgementsChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Communication2.1.1 Definition of Communication2.1.2 Characteristics of Communication2.2 Culture2.2.1 Definition of Culture2.2.2 Categorizations of Culture2.2.3 Characteristics of Culture2.3 Language and Communication2.4 Culture and Communication2.5 Language and Culture2.6 Intercultural CommunicationChapter 3 Intercultural Communication Competence3.1 Linguistic Competence3.2 Communicative Competence3.2.1 Hymes's Version3.2.2 Canale and Swain's View3.2.3 Bachman's Schematization3.2.4 Deficiency of Communicative Competence3.3 Intercultural Communication Competence(ICC)3.3.1 Defining ICC3.3.1.1 Cross-cultural Attitude Model3.3.1.2 Behavioral-skill Model3.3.1.3 Relational Model3.3.1.4 Young Yun Kim's Intercultural Communication Competence Theory3.3.2 Components of ICC3.3.2.1 Language Competence3.3.2.2 Cognitive Competence3.3.2.3 Affective Competence3.3.2.4 Operational Competence3.3.2.5 Episodic Competence3.3.2.6 Relational Competence3.3.2.7 Strategic Competence3.3.3 Two Levels Of Intercultural Communication CompetenceChapter 4 Content of Cultivating ICC in Business English Teaching4.1 Psychological calture4.1.1 Content of Psychological Culture4.1.2 Benefits of Introducing Value Systems in Pairs4.2 Verbal Communication4.2.1 Culture-loaded Words4.2.2 Socio-linguistic Rules4.2.3 Discourse Patterns4.2.4 Verbal Styles4.3 Nonverbal Communication4.3.1 The Importance of Nonverbal Communication4.3.2 Defining Nonverbal Communication4.3.3 The Need of Teaching Nonverbal Communication in BE Classrooms4.3.4 Content of Nonverbal Communication4.4 Intercultural Business Etiquette and Protocol4.4.1 Defining Business Etiquette and Protocol4.4.2 The Importance of Appropriate Etiquette and Protocol4.4.3 Content of Business Etiquette and Protocol4.5 Intercultural Marketing Communication4.5.1 The Importance of Intercultural Marketing Communication4.5.2 Content of Intercultural Marketing Communication4.6 Organizational Culture4.6.1 Defining Organizational Culture4.6.2 Functions of Organizational Culture4.6.3 Necessity of Teaching Organizational CultureChapter 5 Some Tentative Suggestions for Cultivation of ICC in the Teaching of Business English5.1 Prerequisites of Cultivating ICC5.1.1 Arousing Students' Intercultural Awareness5.1.2 Fostering Proper Motivation5.1.3 Helping Students to Reduce Anxiety5.1.4 Helping Students to Develop Empathy5.1.5 Helping Students to Avoid Cultural Stereotypes5.1.6 Helping Students to Appreciate Their Native Culture5.2 Measures of Cultivating ICC5.2.1 Changing Business Teachers' Role5.2.2 Restructuring Culture-Oriented Courses5.2.3 Positive Construction of Business English Teaching Materials5.2.4 Making Use of Culture Teaching Techniques5.2.5 Making Full Use of Foreign Teachers5.2.6 Extra-class Activities5.3 Principles of Cultivating ICC5.3.1 Practicality5.3.2 OrderlinessChapter 6 ConclusionBibliography
标签:跨文化交际能力论文; 跨文化交际能力培养论文; 商务英语教学论文; 文化教学论文;