作者(2019)在《Effect of photoperiod on development and reproduction of Megacopta cribraria(Hemiptera:Plataspidae)》一文中研究指出:Megacopta cribraria(Hemiptera: Plataspidae) continually outbreaks due to suitable photoperiod in recent years. Effect of photoperiod on growth, development and reproduction of M. cribraria were assessed in this study. Results indicated that developmental duration, nutrient accumulation efficiency, and adult fecundity of M. cribraria were significantly different under 6 photoperiodical conditions. Developmental duration of nymph stage gradually tended to be shorter as day time increase. Body weights of 5 th instar nymphs for 16 h and 4 h day time photoperiods were 5.2 mg and 4.6 mg, respectively. Moreover, longevity of adults tended to be longer as day time increase. However, for the short day photoperiod(4 L:20 D and 8 L:16 D), population showed no reproductive behaviors. Index of population trend increased with photoperiod extension and adults showed stronger reproductive capacity and longer longevity. This research identified the favorable photoperiodical conditions before outbreak. It may provided reference for ecological adaptability of M. cribraria, and contribute to the scientific basis for forecasting and controlling of M. cribraria.
Megacopta cribraria(Hemiptera: Plataspidae) continually outbreaks due to suitable photoperiod in recent years. Effect of photoperiod on growth, development and reproduction of M. cribraria were assessed in this study. Results indicated that developmental duration, nutrient accumulation efficiency, and adult fecundity of M. cribraria were significantly different under 6 photoperiodical conditions. Developmental duration of nymph stage gradually tended to be shorter as day time increase. Body weights of 5 th instar nymphs for 16 h and 4 h day time photoperiods were 5.2 mg and 4.6 mg, respectively. Moreover, longevity of adults tended to be longer as day time increase. However, for the short day photoperiod(4 L:20 D and 8 L:16 D), population showed no reproductive behaviors. Index of population trend increased with photoperiod extension and adults showed stronger reproductive capacity and longer longevity. This research identified the favorable photoperiodical conditions before outbreak. It may provided reference for ecological adaptability of M. cribraria, and contribute to the scientific basis for forecasting and controlling of M. cribraria.
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:Effect of photoperiod on development and reproduction of Megacopta cribraria(Hemiptera:Plataspidae)论文