摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Literature review1.3 Theoretical framework1.3.1 Engagement1.3.2 Attitude1.3.3 Graduation1.4 2004 American presidential debates1.4.1 Rules of 2004 American presidential debates1.4.2 Features of 2004 American presidential debates1.5 Purpose, method and significance1.6 Layout of this thesisChapter 2 Candidates' Attitude in the debates2.1 Statistical Analysis of Candidates' Attitude2.1.1 Statistical results of candidates' Appraisal resources2.1.2 Scheme devised for Attitude statistical analysis2.1.3 Statistical results of candidates' Attitude2.1.4 Statistical results of candidates' negative and positive Attitude2.2 Analysis of Candidates' Affect2.2.1 Inclination of Affect2.2.2 Security of Affect2.2.3 Happiness of Affect2.2.4 Satisfaction of Affect2.3 Analysis of Candidates' Judgment2.3.1 Tenacity of Judgment2.3.2 Normality of Judgment2.3.3 Propriety of Judgment2.3.4 Capacity of Judgment2.3.5 Veracity of Judgment2.4 Analysis of Candidates' Appreciation2.4.1 Valuation of Appreciation2.4.2 Reaction of Appreciation2.4.3 Composition of Appreciation2.5 SummaryChapter 3 Candidates' Engagement in the debates3.1 Statistical analysis of Candidates' Engagement3.1.1 Scheme devised for Engagement statistical analysis3.1.2 Statistical results of candidates' Engagement resources3.2 Analysis of Candidates' Engagement3.2.1 Candidates' Dialogic Contraction of Heterogloss3.2.1.1 Disclaim in Contraction3.2.1.2 Proclaim in Contraction3.2.2 Candidates' Dialogic Expansion of Heterogloss3.2.2.1 Entertain in Dialogic Expansion3.2.2.2 Attribute in Dialogic Expansion3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Candidates' Graduation in the Debates4.1 Statistical analysis of Candidates' Graduation4.1.1 Scheme devised for Graduation statistical analysis4.1.2 Statistical results of candidates' Graduation resources4.2 Analysis of Candidates' Graduation4.2.1 Force resources of Graduation4.2.1.1 Up-scaling Force of Graduation4.2.1.2 Down-scaling Force of Graduation4.2.2 Focus resources of Graduation4.2.2.1 Sharpening resources of Focus4.2.2.2 Softening resources of Focus4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Findings of the present study5.2 Limitations of the present study5.3 Suggestions for further researchAcknowledgementsBibliographyAppendix: The Sample with Appraisal Values IdentifiedPublication
标签:美国总统电视辩论论文; 评价理论论文; 态度论文; 介入论文; 级差论文;