摘要AbstractChapter One IntroductionChapter two Literature Review2.1 Language Learning Strategies2.1.1 Definitions of Language Learning Strategies2.1.2 Characteristics of Language Learning Strategies2.1.3 Classification of Language Learning Strategies2.1.4 Researches on General Language Learning Strategies2.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategy2.2.1 Definition of Vocabulary Learning Strategy2.2.2 Schmitt'sClassification of Vocabulary Learning Strategies2.2.3 Kudo's Research on Vocabulary Learning Strategies2.2.4 Vocabulary Learning Strategies Researches in ChinaChapter Three Research Design3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments3.3.1 Questionnaire3.3.2 SPSS 12.0 for Windows3.3.3 Semi-structured Interview3.4 Process of Data Collection and analysisChapter Four Data Analysis and Discussion4.1 Explanation before Data Analysis and Discussion4.2 Vocabulary Strategies Use in General4.3 The Most-frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies4.4 The Least-frequently Used Vocabulary Learning Strategies4.5 Quantitative Analysis of Social Strategy Use4.6 Qualitative Analysis of Social Strategy Use4.7 Quantitative Analysis of Cognitive Strategy Use4.8 Qualitative Analysis of Cognitive Strategy Use4.9 Quantitative Analysis of Memory Strategy Use4.10 Qualitative Analysis of Memory Strategy Use4.11 Quantitative Analysis of Metacognitive Strategy Use4.12 Qualitative Analysis of Metcognitive Strategy UseChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Major Findings5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further ResearchReferencesAppendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3Acknowledgements
标签:语言学习策略论文; 词汇学习策略论文;