作者(2019)在《Biological significance of RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research in woody plants》一文中研究指出:RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research emerge as an important research area in the recent years due to its ability to examine genetic information of any number of single cells in all living organisms. The knowledge gained from RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research will have a great impact in many aspects of plant biology. In this review, we summary and discuss the biological significance of RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research in plants including the single-cell DNA-sequencing, RNA-seq and single-cell RNA sequencing in woody plants, methods of RNA-seq and single-cell RNA-sequencing, single-cell RNA-sequencing for studying plant development, and single-cell RNA-sequencing for elucidating cell type composition. We will focus on RNA-seq and single-cell RNA sequencing in woody plants, understanding of plant development through single-cell RNAsequencing, and elucidation of cell type composition via single-cell RNA-sequencing. Information presented in this review will be helpful to increase our understanding of plant genomic research in a way with the power of plant single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis.
RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research emerge as an important research area in the recent years due to its ability to examine genetic information of any number of single cells in all living organisms. The knowledge gained from RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research will have a great impact in many aspects of plant biology. In this review, we summary and discuss the biological significance of RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research in plants including the single-cell DNA-sequencing, RNA-seq and single-cell RNA sequencing in woody plants, methods of RNA-seq and single-cell RNA-sequencing, single-cell RNA-sequencing for studying plant development, and single-cell RNA-sequencing for elucidating cell type composition. We will focus on RNA-seq and single-cell RNA sequencing in woody plants, understanding of plant development through single-cell RNAsequencing, and elucidation of cell type composition via single-cell RNA-sequencing. Information presented in this review will be helpful to increase our understanding of plant genomic research in a way with the power of plant single-cell RNA-sequencing analysis.
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:Biological significance of RNA-seq and single-cell genomic research in woody plants论文