AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Introduction0.1 The Significance of the Study0.2 Purpose of This Thesis0.3 Scope of This Thesis0.4 Layout of This ThesisChapter One Literature Review1.1 Survey of the Previous Studies on Advertising Translation1.2 Problems in the Current Studies1.3 A Brief Survey of Functionalism1.3.1 Katharina Reiss and Functionalism Translation Criticism1.3.2 Hans J. Vermeer's Skopostheorie1.3.3 Justa Holz-Manttari's Theory of Translational Action1.3.4 Christiane Nord: Function plus Loyalty1.4 The Kernel of the Functionalist Approaches -- Skopostheorie1.5 Enlightenment of Functionalist Approaches on Automobile Advertisement Translation1.5.1 The Skopos Rule1.5.2 The Theory of Translational Action1.5.3 The Role of the Translator1.5.4 The Emphasis on the Role of Target ReceiverChapter Two On Auto Advertising2.1 General Introduction of Advertising2.1.1 Definition of Advertising2.1.2 Advertising Elements2.1.3 Functions and Objectives of Advertising2.2 Auto Advertising2.3 Linguistic Features of Auto Advertising2.3.1 Lexical Features2.3.2 Syntactic Feature2.3.3 Rhetorical Features2.4 Cultural Differences between English and Chinese Auto Advertising2.4.1 Group Orientation vs. Individual Orientation2.4.2 Authority Emphasis vs. Fact Emphasis2.4.3 Indirect Thinking Pattern vs. Direct Thinking Pattern Chapter Three Strategies for Translating Auto Advertising3.1 Some Problems Existing in Translating Auto Advertising3.1.1 Linguistic Failure3.1.2 Cultural Failure3.1.3 Different Brand Names for the Same Automobile3.2 Criterion for Translating Auto Advertising3.3 Inadequacy of Equivalence-based Theories3.4 Necessity and Feasibility of Adapted Translation Strategies in Translating Auto Advertising3.5 Translation Strategies for Translating Auto Advertising from the Functionalist Perspective3.5.1 Direct Translation3.5.1.1 Transliteration3.5.1.2 Literal Translation3.5.1.3 Combination of Transliteration and Semantic Translation3.5.1.4 Free Translation3.5.2 Adapted Translation3.5.2.1 Addition3.5.2.2 Abridgement3.5.2.3 Imitation3.5.2.4 Cultural Compensation3.5.2.5 Creative Rewriting3.5.2.6 Zero TranslationChapter Four Conclusion4.1 Summary of This Thesis4.2 Limitations of the Thesis4.3 Suggestions for Future ResearchBibliography发表论文和科研情况说明
标签:汽车广告论文; 功能派翻译理论论文; 翻译策略论文;