Abstract摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the study1.2 The purpose of the thesis1.3 The organization of the thesisChapter Two A General Survey of Critical Discourse Analysis2.1 Research of CDA abroad2.2 Research of CDA at home2.3 Language and Ideology2.3.1 Language as a social practice2.3.2 The concept of Ideology2.3.3 The relationship between language and ideologyChapter Three Analytic Method3.1 Analytic method of CDA3.1.1 Procedure for critical analysis by Fairclough3.1.2 Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar3.2 Analytic methods of the present study3.2.1 Lexical classification3.2.2 Transitivity3.2.3 Syntactic transformation3.2.3.1 Passive voice3.2.3.2 Nominalization3.2.4 Modality3.2.5 Thematic choiceChapter Four Comparative study of President Bush's Speeches on Iraqi War4.1 A brief introduction to the Iraqi War4.2 Social background and main contents of the speeches4.2.1 Social background and content of Speech One4.2.2 Social background and content of Speech Two4.2.3 Social background and content of Speech Three4.3 Lexical classification of the three speeches4.3.1 Lexical classification in Speech One4.3.2 Lexical classification in Speech Two4.3.3 Lexical classification in Speech Three4.3.4 Summary4.4 Comparative study of transitivity4.4.1 Material process4.4.2 Relational process4.4.3 Mental process4.5 Comparative study of syntactic transformation4.5.1 Comparative study of passive voice4.5.1.1 Passive voice in Speech One4.5.1.2 Passive voice in Speech Two4.5.1.3 Passive voice in Speech Three4.5.2 Comparative study of nominalization4.5.2.1 Typical examples of nominalization in Speech One4.5.2.2 Typical examples of nominalization in Speech Two4.5.2.3 Typical examples of nominalization in Speech Three4.6 Comparative study of modality4.6.1 Modality in Speech One4.6.2 Modality in Speech Two4.6.3 Modality in Speech Three4.7 Comparative study of thematic choice4.7.1 Comparative study of unmarked themes4.7.2 Comparative study of marked themes4.7.2.1 Marked themes in Speech One4.7.2.2 Marked themes in Speech Two4.7.2.3 Marked themes in Speech ThreeChapter Five Conclusions5.1 Summary of major finding5.2 Pedagogical implicationsBibliographyAppendixAcknowledgements
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标签:批评话语分析论文; 意识形态论文; 大众语篇论文; 伊拉克战争论文; 对比分析论文;