AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要1. Introduction1.1 A Brief Introduction of Culture1.2 Intercultural Communication1.3 Intercultural Business Communication1.4 Corporate Culture1.4.1 The Origin of Corporate Culture1.4.2 The Definition of Corporate Culture.1.4.3 The Content of Corporate Culture1.4.4 The Function of Corporate Culture2. Literature Review3. Theoretical Background3.1 Hall’s High and Low Context3.2 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions3.2.1 Power Distance3.2.2 Uncertainty Avoidance3.2.3 Individualism/Collectivism.3.2.4 Masculinity/Femininity.4. Exploration of ‘He’Spirit4.1 Major Causes for the Formation of ‘He’Spirit4.1.1 Topographical Features, the Geographical Basis for ‘He’Spirit4.1.2 Farming Economy, the Economic Basis for ‘He’Spirit4.1.2.1 The Supplements to Farming Economy: Nomadic and Trade Economy4.1.2.2 Farming Economy, the Cornerstone of Ancient Economy inChina4.1.2.3 The Relationship between ‘He’Spirit and Farming Economy4.1.3 Family-Country, the Political Basis for ‘He’Spirit4.2 ‘He’Spirit4.2.1 The Origin of the Word, ‘He4.2.2 The Content of ‘He’Spirit.4.2.3 The Significance of ‘He’ Spirit in Chinese Culture4.3 Chinese Collectivism and ‘He’Spirit5. Exploration of Competitiveness5.1 Causes for the Formation of Competitiveness5.1.1 Topographical Features, the Geological Basis for Competitiveness5.1.2 Trade Economy, the Economic Basis for Competitiveness5.1.3 City-State, the Political Basis for Competitiveness.5.2 The Significance of Competitiveness5.3 Individualism and Competitiveness6. The Interaction of ‘He’Spirit and Competitiveness in Corporate Culture6.1 The Failure of Interaction between ‘He’ Spirit and Competitiveness6.2 Cultural Synergy6.2.1 The Hypothesis of Cultural Synergy6.3 Cultural Synergy in Corporate Culture6.4 Overstrain Death, an Unexpected Phenomenon of Cultural Synergy6.4.1 A Brief Introduction of a Piece of News of Overstrain Death6.4.2 Opinions on Overstrain Death6.4.3 One Causes for Overstrain Death – Competitiveness6.4.4 Another Reason for Overstrain Death – ‘He’ Spirit7. ConclusionBibliography
标签:和谐观论文; 竞争意识论文; 企业文化论文; 文化融合论文;