Abstract摘要1 Introduction1.1 Background and Motivation1.2 Literature Review1.2.1 Foreign Literature Review1.2.2 Domestic Literature Review1.3 Methodology and Purpose2 Fundamental Research of China’s New Energy Industry2.1 Macroeconomic Analysis of China2.2 Mid Level Analysis of New Energy Industry2.3 Photovoltaic Sector Research2.3.1 Definitions and Current Development of Photovoltaic (PV) industry2.3.2 Industrial Chains Break Down2.3.3 Segments of Production Chain Analysis and Comparison2.3.4 Segment Profitability Analysis—components manufacturing2.3.5 Segment Profitability Analysis—packing and integration2.3.6 Major Listed Companies and Their Investment Attractiveness Category2.4 Wind Energy Sector Research2.4.1 Definitions and Current Development of Wind Energy2.4.2 Industrial Chain Break Down2.4.3 Segment Profitability Analysis —mechanical components providers2.4.4 Segment Profitability Analysis—wind turbines manufacturing2.4.5 Segment Profitability Analysis—wind energy operators2.4.6 Major Listed Companies and Their Investment Attractiveness Brief2.5 New Energy-Vehicle Sector Research2.5.1 Technological Classification of New Energy Vehicle (NEV)2.5.2 Industrial Chains Break Down2.5.3 Segment Profitability Analysis –Battery sector2.5.4 Segment Profitability Analysis –Engine and electric controller system2.5.5 Segment Profitability Analysis –Upstream raw materials2.5.6 Segment Profitability Analysis –Charging station2.5.7 Major Listed Companies and Their Investment Attractiveness Brief3 Verification of Fundamental Links to Excess Return in China’s Security Market and New Energy Industry3.1 Past accounting performance and future stock absolute return in the whole market3.1.1 Data and sample3.1.2 Model specification and regression method3.1.3 Regression results3.2 Past accounting performance and future excess return in the whole market3.3 Past accounting performance and future excess return in new energy industry3.3.1 Data and method3.3.2 Regression results3.3.3 Comparison of regression results in new energy industry and in the whole market4 The Derivation and Application of Company Appraisal Model4.1 The Theory and Application of Principal Components Analysis (PCA)4.1.1 The Principles and Motivation of PCA4.1.2 Methodology Overview4.1.3 Empirical Test on Principal Components’Link to Return4.1.4 Application of the Company Appraisal Model4.2 Valuation and its influence on appraisal model4.2.1 Valuation level, future excess return and accounting ratios4.2.2 Adjustment for valuation factors4.3 Out of Sample Empirical Test for the Model5 ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgments
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标签:新能源论文; 行业研究论文; 基本面选股论文; 投资评价模型论文; 实证检验论文; 夏普指数论文;