Abstract摘要Introduction1 Literature Review1.1 Culture-specific words in Translation1.2 Cultural Differences in film subtitle translati1.3 Current Studies of Film Subtitle Translation2 Methodology2.1 Subject2.2 Data Collection2.3 Procedures3 Results and Discussion3.1 The linguistic and figurative features of the culture-specific words in the subtitle of the Curse of Golden Flower3.2 Description of the Culture-specific Words in the Subtitle of the Film the Curse of Golden Flower in the Light of Cultural Difference3.3 The Analysis of the individual translation strategies of culture-specific words adopted in the translation of these culture-specific wordsConclusionAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix
标签:文化词语论文; 字幕翻译论文; 翻译策略论文; 语言特点论文;