摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Problems1.3 Purposes1.4 Significance of study1.5 LimitationChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Defining antonymy2.2 Properties of antonymy2.3 Antonymy and rhetoricChapter Three Linguistic Approach to Antonymy3.1 Opposition and antonymy3.2 Antonyms as gradable opposites3.2.1 Comparison of gradable antonyms3.2.2 Committedness of gradable antonyms3.2.3 Markedness of gradable antonyms3.3 Other types of opposites3.4 Near-oppositesChapter Four Rhetorical Approach to Antonymy4.1 Antonymy and co-occurrence4.1.1 A test of the WordNet model4.1.2 Co-occurrence hypothesis4.1.3 Antonymy as association—a psychological view4.1.4 Antonymy reflects bipolarity—a world view4.2 Linguistic analysis of the rhetorical use of antonymy4.2.1 Co-occurrence between syntactic frames4.2.2 Co-occurrence across syntactic classes4.2.3 Idiomatic use of co-occurrence of antonyms4.2.4 Figurative use of co-occurrence of antonyms4.3 The rationale of the use of antonymy in rhetoricChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements
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