![:Fluorinated Surfactants and Fluorinated Polymer Materials(Ⅰ): General Review论文](https://www.lw50.cn/thumb/b01bcd7e95c6c606e0a9d197.webp)
作者(2019)在《Fluorinated Surfactants and Fluorinated Polymer Materials(Ⅰ): General Review》一文中研究指出:Fluorinated surfactants and fluorinated functional materials were introduced. Their fundamental concept, classification and structure, major physicochemical properties, industrial production methods, as well as applications in industrial and high technological fields were summarized. Their current environmental problems and the countermeasures in this field were also briefed.
Fluorinated surfactants and fluorinated functional materials were introduced. Their fundamental concept, classification and structure, major physicochemical properties, industrial production methods, as well as applications in industrial and high technological fields were summarized. Their current environmental problems and the countermeasures in this field were also briefed.
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:Fluorinated Surfactants and Fluorinated Polymer Materials(Ⅰ): General Review论文