Abstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Aims of the study1.3 Data and Methodology1.4 Organization of the studyChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Previous studies towards metaphor2.1.1 Substitution view of metaphor2.1.2 Comparison view of metaphor2.1.3 Interaction view of metaphor2.1.4 Cognitive view of metaphor2.1.5 Pragmatic view of metaphor2.2 Previous study on political discourse2.3 Persuasive Feature of APIAsChapter 3 Theoretical Background3.1 Categorization of CM3.2 Metaphorical Linguistic Expressions3.3 Working Mechanism of CM3.4 The Basis of MChapter 4 Analysis of Conceptual Metaphors in APIASs4.1 An Overview4.2 Conceptual Metaphors4.2.1 Journey Metaphor4.2.2 Fire and Light Metaphor4.2.3 Human Metaphor4.2.4 Body Metaphor4.2.5 Building Metaphor4.2.6 Illness and Health Metaphor4.2.7 Other MetaphorsChapter 5 The Persuasive Functions of CM in APIAs5.1 Functions of metaphor5.2 Persuasive Function of Metaphor in APIAs5.2.1 Metaphor and Explanatory5.2.2 Metaphor and Motivation5.2.3 Metaphor and Emotion5.2.4 Metaphor and EvaluationChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Findings6.2 limitations and problems of this study6.3 Suggestions for further studiesBibliographyAcknowledgementsAcademic Achievements
标签:概念隐喻论文; 说服功能论文; 美国总统演讲论文;