本文从篇章语言学的角度探讨了英汉翻译中人称照应这种衔接手段的翻译策略。篇章语言学认为完整的语篇必须具备七大标准,即衔接性、连贯性、意图性、可接受性、语境性、信息性和互文性。作为语篇性的重要标准之一,衔接对翻译研究和翻译实践都至关重要。论文回顾了衔接理论的发展、举例阐释了人称照应这种衔接手段,按人称统计了小说Pride and Prejudice及其三种中文译本前五章中人称照应的使用情形,根据统计数据分析总结了翻译过程中人称照应的转换策略及其原因,提出英译汉时应注意宏观上保留原文的人称照应衔接链分布,也应采取以代词译代词、代词名词化、代词省略以及使用其他表达方式等策略从微观上对单条衔接链进行调整。具体而言,以代词译代词这一策略一般适用于第一人称代词作主语和宾语、第二人称代词作主语、修饰语和宾语以及第三人称代词作主语或指代有生命对象等场合;省略策略常用于第一、二、三人称作修饰语以及第三人称指代无生命对象等场合;代词名词化策略一般仅限于第三人称代词,而且与语法功能或指称对象是否有生命无关;使用其他表达方式这一策略也仅限于第三人称代词,但是最常用于第三人称代词指称无生命对象以及指称对象没有明确表示这两种场合。
AcknowledgementsAbstract in EnglishAbstract in Chinese1. Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Focus of the Present Study1.3 Research Method of the Study1.4 Significance of the Study1.5 Organization of the Thesis2.Personal Reference as a Cohesive Tie2.1 A Brief Review of the Development of Text Linguistics and Cohesion Theory2.2 Several Relevant Concepts: Text, Texture and Cohesive Tie2.3 Definition and Exemplification of Cohesion2.4 Relationship between Cohesion and Coherence2.5 Personal Reference as a Cohesive Device3.Translation Study from the Perspective of Text Linguistics3.1 A Brief Review of Translation Criteria3.2 Translation Study from the Perspective of Text Linguistics3.3 Text as the Unit of Translation4.T ranslation of Personal Reference as a Cohesive Tie4.1 Contrasts between Chinese and English in Application of Personal Reference as a Cohesive Tie4.2 Analysis of the Statistics4.2.1 Third Person4.2.1.1 In Accordance with Grammatical Functions4.2.1.2 In Accordance with the Nature of the Referents4.2.2 Second Person4.2.3 First Person4.3 Translation Strategies4.3.1 Preservation of the Original Personal Pronoun4.3.1.1 The Principle of Pronominalization4.3.1.2 The Principle of Narrative Focus4.3.2 Omission4.3.2.1 Inanimate Referent4.3.2.2 Reference as Modifiers4.3.3 Transformation into Full Nouns4.3.3.1 The Principle of Distinguishableness4.3.3.2 The Principle of Psychological Distance4.3.3.3 The Principle of Blocking4.3.4 Transformation into Other Expressions4.3.4.1 Extended Reference or Grammatical Subject4.3.4.2 Covert Reference5. Conclusion5.1 Summary of Major Findings5.2 Implications of the Present Study5.3 Limitation of the Study and Suggestions for Further StudiesBibliography
标签:篇章语言学论文; 衔接论文; 人称照应论文; 翻译策略论文;