DeclarationAbstract摘要AcknowledgementChapter One Introduction1.1 Research background1.2 Purpose of the research1.3 Research questions1.4 Research Methodology and data collection1.5 Significance of the researchChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Overview of interpreting quality assessment2.2 Research by Western scholars on faithfulness as IQA criterion2.2.1 Theoretical studies by Western scholars2.2.2 Empirical studies by Western scholars2.2.3 Quality assessment criteria proposed by Western scholars2.3 Research by Chinese scholars on faithfulness as IQA criterion2.3.1 Theoretical studies in China2.3.2 Empirical studies in China2.3.3 Quality assessment criteria proposed by Chinese scholars2.4 Strengths of past research2.5 Weaknesses of past researchChapter Three Schema theory and its relationship with interpreting quality assessment3.1 Overview3.2 Schema theory3.2.1 Definition of Schema3.2.2 Some characteristics of schemata3.2.3 Roles of schemata in comprehension3.3 Categories of schema in interpreting3.3.1 Linguistic schema3.3.2 Background schema3.3.3 Cultural schema3.3.4 Coping schema3.3.5 Summary3.4 Schema theory and interpreting quality assessmentChapter Four Assessment mode of faithfulness based on schema theory4.1 Overview4.2 Assessment mode of faithfulness based on schema theory4.2.1 On-the-spot assessment4.2.2 Self-appraisal4.2.2.1 Pre-perception4.2.2.2 While-perception4.2.2.3 Retrospection4.2.3 Questionnaires and surveys4.2.4 Transcribed textual analysis4.2.4.1 Faithfulness assessment formula4.2.4.2 Exemplified illustration4.2.4.3 Pros and cons4.3 SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Findings of the current research5.2 Enlightenments on interpreting practice and training5.2.1 Enlightenments on interpreting practice5.2.2 Enlightenments on interpreting training5.3 Limitations of the current research5.4 Suggestions for future interpreting researchBibliographyAppendix
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