ABSTRACT摘要CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION1.1 Introduction1.2 Research Background and Objective1.2.1 Researches on interpretation in the West1.2.2 Researches on interpretation in China1.3 Data Collecting and Processing1.4 Structure of the ThesisCHAPTER TWO AN OVERVIEW OF CIE DIPLOMATIC INTERPRETATION2.1 A Brief Description of Interpretation2.1.1 Definition of interpretation2.1.2 Classification of interpretation2.1.3 Characteristics of interpretation2.2 Diplomatic Interpretation2.2.1 Definition of diplomatic interpretation2.2.2 Basic principles of diplomatic interpretation2.3 SummaryCHAPTER THREE FUNCTIONALIST TRANSLATION APPROACHES3.1 An Overview of Functionalist Approaches3.2 The Origin and Development of Functionalist Approaches3.3 Definition of Translation in the Perspective of Functionalism3.4 Four Functionalist Rules in Translation3.4.1 The Skopos rule3.4.2 The coherence rule3.4.3 The fidelity rule3.4.4 The function plus loyalty rule3.5 Translation Brief3.6 Theory of Translation Action3.6.1 Translating as an intentional interaction3.6.2 Translating as an interpersonal interaction3.6.3 Translating as an intercultural interaction3.6.4 Translating as a communicative action3.6.5 Translating as a text-processing action3.7 SummaryCHAPTER FOUR FUNCTIONALIST APPROACHES AND DIPLOMATIC INTERPRETATION4.1 Translation Brief Applied4.1.1 The ST producer or addressor4.1.2 The diplomatic interpreter4.1.3 The addressees or audience4.1.4 Other elements of interpretation brief4.2 The Functionalist Analysis of "Source Text/Language"4.3 Interpreting as an Interpersonal Action4.3.1 The role of the initiator4.3.2 The role of the interpreter4.4 Functionalist rules applied4.4.1 The Skopos role applied4.4.2 The coherence rule applied4.4.3 The fidelity role applied4.4.4 The loyalty rule applied4.5 SummaryCHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION5.1 Summary of the Thesis5.2 Major Findings of the Thesis5.3 Limitations of the Study5.4 Suggestions for Further ResearchREFERENCESACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
标签:德国功能翻译理论论文; 汉英外交口译论文; 译员论文; 发言者论文; 听众论文;