摘要ABSTRACTChapter One Introduction1.1 The Background of the Study1.2 The Rationale for the Present Study1.3 The Organization of the Thesis1.4 Brief Introduction about Oscar Wilde’s Fairy TalesChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Studies on Discourse Coherence Abroad2.2 Studies on Discourse Coherence in China2.3 Problems Existing in Coherence StudiesChapter Three Understanding of Metonymy from Cognitive Perspective3.1 The Definitions of Metonymy3.2 Nature of Metonymy3.2.1 Metonymy as a Conceptual Phenomenon3.2.2 Metonymy as a Cognitive Process3.2.3 Metonymy as a Contingent Relation3.3 Operating Within the Same Idealized Cognitive Model3.3.1 Whole ICM and Its Parts3.3.2 Parts of an ICMChapter Four Cognitive Metonymy and Discourse Coherence in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales4.1 Speech Act Metonymy and Coherence in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales4.1.1 Speech Act Theory4.1.2 The Scenario Approach to Speech Act Metonymy4.1.3 Types of Speech Act Metonymy4.1.3.1 The BEFORE Component for the Whole Scenario4.1.3.2 The CORE/RESULT Component for the Whole Scenario4.1.3.3 The AFTER Component for the Whole Scenario4.1.4 Speech Act Metonymy and the Degrees of Coherence4.2. Metonymy, Relevance Theory and Coherence in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales4.2.1 Relevance Theory Reviewed4.2.2 Metonymy for Minimal Processing Efforts4.2.3 Metonymy for Maximal Contextual Effects4.2.4 The Relationship Between Relevance and Coherence4.3 Metonymy, Schema Theory and Coherence in Oscar Wilde’s Fairy Tales4.3.1 Schema Theory4.3.2 The Relevance of Metonymy, Schema and CoherenceChapter Five ConclusionBibliographyAcknowledgements在学期间发表的学术论文和参加科研情况
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标签:语篇连贯论文; 转喻论文; 言语行为理论论文; 关联理论论文; 图示理论论文;