AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Research Purpose1.3 Data Collection and Research Method1.4 General Structures of the ThesisChapter 2 Tourist publicity material2.1 Tourist publicity materials2.1.1 Definition of the tourist publicity material2.2 Functions of the tourist publicity materials2.2.1 The Function of Informative2.2.2 The Function of Vocative2.3 A General explanation of C-to-E Translation Studies of tourist publicity materials2.3.1 Introduction to C-to-E Translation of tourist publicity materials2.3.2 Reader-centered of C-to-E Translation of tourist publicity material2.4 Introduction to C-to-E Translation Studies of tourist publicity material2.4.1 The Translation Studies from the Perspective of Linguistics2.4.2 Strategies/Principles-oriented Translation Studies of tourist publicity materials2.4.3 Cross-cultural Translation Studies of tourist publicity materials2.4.4 Reader-oriented Translation Studies of tourist publicity materials2.4.5 Translation Studies of tourist publicity materials from Other Perspectives2.5 SummaryChapter 3 High Context in Cross-cultural Communication3.1 Understanding Cross-cultural Communication3.1.1 Defining Cross-cultural Communication3.1.2 Context in Cross-cultural Communication3.2 The Relationship between Cross-cultural Communication and Translation3.2.1 Understanding High-context and Low-context Cultures3.2.2 Understanding Different Language Styles and Thinking Patterns in Different Contextual Cultures3.2.2.1 Indirectness in Chinese Culture and Directness in Western Culture3.2.2.2 Implicitness in Chinese Culture and Explicitness in Western Culture3.2.2.3 Collective Initiative in Chinese Culture and Individual Initiative in Western Culture3.2.3 High Context in Cross-cultural Communication Translation3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Approaches of Translation of High-context Culture in Tourist Publicity Materials4.1 Approaches to Translating the Chinese Stylistic Description in the Tourist Publicity Material4.1.1 Make the Implicit Information Explicit by Means of Addition4.1.2 Make Flowery Description Simple and Concise by Means of Deletion4.2 Approaches to Translating the Names of Chinese Scenic Spots4.2.1 Image to Image by Means of Literal Translation4.2.2 Fictionalization to Factualization through Transliteration plus Explanation4.3 SummaryChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Conclusion5.2 Limitations of the Present Research5.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchesBibliography
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标签:旅游文本论文; 翻译特征论文; 高语境文化论文; 文化因素论文;