AbstractAbstract in ChineseIntroduction1 Background of the Study2 Significance of the StudyChapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Studies on Reflection and Reflective Practice1.1.1 Definitions of Teacher’s Reflection and Reflective Practice1.1.2 Nature of Teacher’s Reflective Practice1.1.3 Models of Teachers’Reflective Practice1.1.4 Methods of Reflective Practice1.1.5 Functions of Reflective Practice1.2 Theoretical Bases1.2.1 Humanistic Perspective1.2.2 Constructive Perspective1.3 Relevant Studies1.3.1 Studies Abroad1.3.2 Studies at HomeChapter 2 Methodology2.1 Objectives2.2 Subjects2.3 Instruments2.4 Data Collection and AnalysisChapter 3 Results and Discussions3.1 The Status Quo of Teachers’Reflective Practice3.1.1 Teachers’Conception on Reflective Practice3.1.2 The Concrete Situations of Teachers’Reflective Practice3.2 Reflective Strategies and Concrete Reflective Methods in Teachers’ Reflection3.3 Factors Affecting Teachers’Reflective PracticeChapter 4 Findings and Implications4.1 Findings4.1.1 On the Aspect of the Status Quo4.1.2 On the Aspect of the Reflective Methods and Strategies4.1.3 On the Aspect of the Affecting Factors4.2 Implications4.2.1 To Facilitate Teachers’Transition from the Technology-oriented Model tthe Reflection-oriented Model4.2.2 To Broaden Teachers’Teaching Values4.2.3 To Help Teachers Use the Reflective Methods and Strategies Effectively4.2.4 To Supply Enough Supports on the Aspects of the Administrators4.2.5 To Construct a Bridge between Theory and PracticeConclusion1 Summary2 Limitations of the StudyReferencesAppendixesAcknowledgments
标签:反思论文; 反思性实践论文; 问题解决方法论文;