AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 History and Development of Interpretation1.2 The Purpose of This Thesis1.3 The Organization of This ThesisChapter 2 The Process of Interpretation and Required Qualities of Interpreters2.1 Definition and Classifications of Interpretation2.1.1 Definition of Interpretation2.1.2 Classifications of Interpretation2.1.3 Daniel Gile’s Model for Interpreting2.2 Differences between Translation and Interpretation2.3 The Process of Interpretation2.4 Required Qualities of InterpretersChapter 3 Anticipation and Anticipation Strategy in Interpretation3.1 Anticipation as a Cognitive Phenomenon3.2 Importance of Anticipation in Interpretation3.3 Language and Non-Language Anticipation3.3.1 Language Anticipation3.3.2 Non-language Anticipation3.3.2.1 Anticipation on Interpretation Discourse3.3.2.2 Anticipation Based on Beforehand Preparation3.4 Training Interpreters’Anticipation Capability3.4.1 Thought-repeating and Discourse-visualizing3.4.2 BrainstormingChapter 4 Comprehension and Cultivating Comprehension Skills4.1 Nature of Comprehension4.2 Factors Affecting Comprehension Quality4.2.1 Competence of Knowledge of Language4.2.1.1 Phonetic Factors4.2.1.2 Lexical Factors4.2.1.3 Syntactic and Semantic Factors4.2.2 Accumulation of Extra-linguistic Knowledge4.2.3 Capability of Analysis4.3 Cultivating Comprehension Skills4.3.1 Building Solid Knowledge of Language4.3.1.1 Enhancing Proficiency in English Listening4.3.1.2 Mastering a Well-knit Vocabulary System4.3.1.3 Developing a Quick Response4.3.2 Accumulating Extra-linguistic KnowledgeChapter 5 Memory Principle and Training5.1 Nature of Memory in Interpretation5.2 Main Features of Three Memory Systems in Interpretation5.2.1 Sensory Memory5.2.2 Short-term Memory5.2.3 Long-term Memory5.3 Suggestions for Memory Training5.3.1 Retelling5.3.1.1 Theoretical Foundation and Aim of Retelling Practice5.3.1.2 Retelling in Source language5.3.1.3 Retelling in Target Language5.3.1.4 Five-minute Retelling5.3.2 Shadowing5.3.2.1 Theoretical Foundation and Aim of Shadowing Practice5.3.2.2 Shadowing Practice5.3.2.3 Dual Task Practice5.3.2.4 Interference Practice5.3.3 Note-taking5.3.3.1 Characteristics of Notes in Interpretation5.3.3.2 Significance of Note-taking5.3.3.3 Note-taking Practice5.3.4 Analyzing5.3.4.1 Theoretical Foundation and Aim of Analyzing Practice5.3.4.2 Interpreting Speeches of Different Styles5.3.4.3 SummarizationChapter 6 Re-expression Stage and Sharpening Re-expression Skills6.1 Significance of Re-expression6.2 Factors Affecting Re-expression Quality6.2.1 Checkmates in Interpretation6.2.2 Parataxis and Hypotaxis6.3 Sharpening Re-expression Skills6.3.1 Proper Use of Explanations and Notes6.3.2 Attempts of Equivalent and Shadow InterpretationChapter 7 ConclusionBibliography
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标签:口译过程论文; 口译特点论文; 译员素质论文; 预测机制论文; 听力理解论文; 记忆训练论文; 重述表达论文;