AcknowledgementsAbstract中文摘要Chapter One Introduction1.1 Research Background1.2 Literature Review1.2.1 Studies of Drama Translation in the West1.2.2 Studies of Drama Translation in China1.2.3 Classifications of Drama Translation1.3 The Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Skopos Theory2.1 Theoretical Foundations of Skopos Theory2.2 A General Introduction to Skopos Theory2.3 Basic Concepts of Skopos Theory2.3.1 Skopos2.3.2 Translation Briefs2.3.3 Basic Rules of Skopos Theory2.3.3.1 The Skopos Rule2.3.3.2 The Coherence Rule2.3.3.3 The Fidelity Rule2.3.4 Adequacy and EquivalenceChapter Three My Views of Skopos Theory in Drama Translation3.1 Practice of Drama Translation3.2 Evaluation of Drama TranslationChapter Four A Comparative Study of the Two Versions of Teahouse4.1 Lao She and His Teahouse4.2 Ying Ruocheng and His Translation of Teahouse4.3 John Howard-Gibbon and His Translation of Teahouse4.4 Analysis of the Two Versions from Four Aspects4.4.1 The Translation of Appellations4.4.2 The Translation of Culturally Loaded Words4.4.3 The Translation of Interjections4.4.4 The Translation of Colloquialism4.5 A Brief SummaryChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Review of the Thesis5.2 Limitations and Further SuggestionsBibliography
标签:戏剧翻译论文; 目的论论文; 目的论文; 翻译充分论文;
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