ABSTRACT摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Purpose and Significance of the Research1.2 Research Methodology and Thesis ArrangementsChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 An Overview of the Research on Ideology and Translation2.1.1 Relevant Studies Abroad2.1.2 Relevant Studies at Home2.2 An Overview of the Research on Children's Literature Translation2.2.1 Relevant Studies Abroad2.2.2 Relevant Studies at HomeChapter 3 Theoretical Foundation3.1 Manipulation in Literary Translation3.1.1 The Manipulation School3.1.2 Lefevere's Manipulation Theory3.1.3 The Manipulative Factors3.2 Ideology Studied3.2.1 Origin and Development of the Term3.2.2 Assessing the Notion of Ideology in Lefevere's Theory3.2.3 Ideology Understood in the Present Study3.2.4 Ideology and Translation3.2.4.1 Ideology and Passive Manipulation3.2.4.2 Ideology and Active Manipulation3.3 SummaryChapter 4 Manipulation in Children's Literature Translation4.1 Definitions and Characteristics of Children's Literature4.1.1 Children's Literature and Its Translation4.1.2 The Characteristics of Children's Literature4.1.2.1 By Adult and for Children4.1.2.2 Dual Audience4.1.2.3 The Peripheral Status in Literary Polysystem4.2 The Major Ideological Factors Manipulating Children's Literature Translation in China4.2.1 Views on Children4.2.2 Views on Children's Literature4.3 Influence of Ideology on Children's Literature Translation4.3.1 Ideological Interference in Text Selection4.3.2 Ideological Interference on Translation Strategy4.4 SummaryChapter 5 A Case Study on Zhao Yuanren's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland5.1 About Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Zhao Yuanren's Version5.2 Social Background in Zhao Yuanren's Time5.2.1 Macro ideological Climate Manipulating Zhao Yuanren's Translation5.2.1.1 Collective Views on Language Reform5.2.1.2 Collective Views on Children and Their Literature5.2.2 Ideology of the Patronage5.2.2.1 The Role of Hu Shi5.2.2.2 The Role of Commercial Press5.2.3 Ideology of the Translator5.2.3.1 Zhao Yuanren's View on Language Reform5.2.3.2 Zhao Yuanren's View on Children and Their Literature5.2.4 Ideological Characteristics of Child Readers5.3 An Analysis of Ideological Manipulation Reflected in Zhao Yuanren's Translation5.3.1 Translating for Language Reform and Unification5.3.1.1 The Use of Peking Dialect5.3.1.2 The Use of Zhuyin Letter5.3.1.3 The Use of Load-words & Coinages5.3.2 Translating for Children5.3.2.1 Manipulation on the Lexical Level5.3.2.2 Manipulation on the Syntactical Level5.3.2.3 Manipulation on the Phonological Level5.3.2.4 Manipulation on the Rhetorical Level5.3.2.5 Manipulation on the Visual Level5.3.2.6 Manipulation on the Cultural Level5.4 SummaryChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.1.1 Theoretical Implications6.1.2 Practical Implications6.2 Limitations and RecommendationsBibliographyAcknowledgements攻读学位期间发表论文
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