摘要AbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 Background1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research1.3 Brief Introduction to the Experiment1.4 Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 RESEARCH ON FORMULAIC SEQUENCES2.1.1 A General Understanding of Research on Formulaic Sequences2.1.2 Research on Formulaic Sequences Abroad2.1.3 Research on Formulaic Sequences in China2.1.4 Summary2.2 Noticing and SLA2.2.1 Definition of Noticing2.2.2 Role of Noticing in SLA2.3 Feedback and Noticing2.3.1 Definition of Feedback2.3.2 Classification of Feedback2.3.3 Principles of feedback2.3.4 Relationship between Feedback and Noticing2.4 SummaryChapter Three The Present Study3.1 Research questions and hypotheses3.2 Operationalizations3.2.1 Formulaic Sequences3.2.2 Feedback3.2.3 Noticing3.2.4 Acquisition for Formulaic Sequences3.3 Method3.3.1 Participants3.3.2 Instruments3.3.3 Materials3.3.4 Procedures3.4 Data analysis and Results3.4.1 Feedback and Accurate Use of Formulaic Sequences3.4.2 Feedback and Production of Formulaic Sequences in Writing3.4.3 The Results of Interview3.4.4 SummaryChapter Four Discussions4.1 Effect of Feedback on Accurate Use of Formulaic Sequences4.2 Effect of Feedback on Production of Formulaic Sequences4.3 Other FindingsChapter Five Conclusion5.1 Summary of the Research5.2 Pedagogical Implications5.3 Limitations of the Research5.4 Suggestions for Future ResearchAcknowledgementsReferencesAppendix I Formulaic SequencesAppendix II The TextAppendix III ExercisesAppendix IV Interview QuestionsAppendix V Test OneAppendix VI Test TwoAppendix VII Data of Pretest and Posttest of Test OneAppendix VIII Data of Pretest and Posttest of Test TwoAppendix IX 作者在攻读硕士学位期间发表论文的目录
标签:预制语块论文; 反馈论文; 注意论文; 习得论文; 中国大学英语学习者论文;