AcknowledgementAbstract摘要ContentsChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Purpose of the Study1.3 Overall Structure of the ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 Definitions of Meme and Memetics2.2 Characteristics of Meme2.2.1 Properties of Meme2.2.2 Dynamics of Meme2.2.3 Types of Meme2.3 Language Meme2.4 Research of Memetics at Home and Abroad2.4.1 Memetic Development Abroad2.4.2 Memetic Development At HomeChapter 3 Methodology3.1 Research Questions3.2 Subjects and Data Collection3.3 ProceduresChapter 4 An Analysis of Language Meme in Graduate Theses of English Major4.1 Description of Graduate Thesis4.1.1 Organization of Graduate Thesis4.1.2 Characteristics of Graduate Thesis4.2 Macro-structure Perspective of Graduate Thesis4.2.1 Structure Meme in Title4.2.2 Structure Meme in Abstract4.2.3 Structure Meme in Introduction4.2.4 Structure Meme in Literature Review4.2.5 Structure Meme in Discussion4.2.6 Structure Meme in Conclusion4.3 Micro-structure Perspective of Graduate Thesis4.3.1 Language Meme in Lexicon4.3.1.1 Verbs4.3.1.2 Pronouns4.3.1.3 Adjectives4.3.2 Language Meme in Syntax4.3.2.1 Indicative Sentence4.3.2.2 "It is" Clause4.3.2.3 Complex Sentence4.3.3 Language Meme in Voice4.3.3.1 The Active Voice4.3.3.2 The Passive Voice4.3.4 Language Meme in Cohesion4.3.4.1 Additives4.3.4.2 Adversatives4.3.4.3 Causals4.3.4.4 Temporals4.3.5 Language Meme in Tense4.3.5.1 The Present Tense4.3.5.2 The Past TenseChapter 5 Conclusion5.1 Major Findings of the Study5.2 Implications of the Study5.3 Limitations of the Study5.4 Suggestions for Furher StudyReferences
标签:语言模因论文; 硕士论文; 模因论论文;