论文题目: 从认知角度看现代汉语动补结构的语义指向
论文类型: 硕士论文
论文专业: 英语语言文学
作者: 高燕
导师: 束定芳
关键词: 现代汉语,动补结构,语义指向,认知语义学
文献来源: 上海外国语大学
发表年度: 2005
论文摘要: 本文在对以往动补结构语义指向的主要研究成果进行总结评价的基础上,提出对语义指向的研究不能停留在字面和形式逻辑的层面上,而应结合语言使用者的主观因素或主观经验,也即是认知语义学的观点;其次,系统地介绍了Talmy的认知语义学观点中关于汉语动补结构的重新描述和分析,并在此基础上,着重分析了汉语动补结构多样化的语义指向的内在原因,即,汉语动作动词特殊的词汇化模式(仅包括动作和使动成分在内)中不包含确定动作执行结果的成分,因而须要借助于其卫星成分来表明动作的结果,这个结果可能是规约性的结果,也可能是偶然性的结果,由此呈现出卫星成分的多义性的特点,也就是传统上说的动补结构的语义指向。该理论模式是对这一传统课题的全新的解释,它为研究该课题提供了全新的视角。
Chapter I Overview of Chinese Resultative Construction
1.1 A Brief Sketch of Chinese Resultative Construction
1.2 The Structure of the Present Thesis
1.3 Clarification of the Major Terms Used in the Thesis
Chapter II Major Studies on Semantic Orientation of Chinese Resultative Constructions
2.1. What is Semantic Orientation?
2.2 Major Researches on Semantic Orientations of Verb Resultative Constructions
Chapter III Cognitive Semantic Interpretation of Semantic Orientation of Chinese Resultative Construction: A New Perspective
3.1 Cognitive Linguistics
3.1.1 The Rise of Cognitive Linguistics
3.1.2 Recent Studies Adopting the Cognitive Approach to Chinese Resultative Construction
3.2 Cognitive Semantics
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Talmy’s Fundamental Theories and Principles Revisited
3.3 Lexicalization Patterns of Verb within Talmy’s Cognitive Semantic Framework
3.3.1 Two Views about Lexicalization
3.3.2 Lexicalization Pattern
3.3.3 Satellite
Chapter IV Chinese Resultative Construction Reinvestigated
4.1 Verb + Satellite
4.1.1 Intrinsic-Fulfillment Verb + Further –event Satellite
4.1.2 Moot-Fulfillment Verb + Fulfillment Satellite
4.1.3 Implied-Fulfillment Verb + Confirmation Satellite
4.1.4 Attained-Fulfillment Verb (+ Pleonastic Satellite)
4.1.5 Implied-Fulfillment Verb + Overfulfillment Satellite / Antifulfillment Satellite/ Underfulfillment Satellite/ Other-event Satellite
4.2.R einterpretation of Semantic Orientation of Chinese Resultatives
4.3 Data Analysis
4.4 Comments upon Talmy’s Approach to Resultative Constructions
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
发布时间: 2006-12-30
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