AcknowledgementsAbstract摘要Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Definitions and Functions of Humor1.2 Situation Comedy (Sitcom): A Form of Drama1.2.1 The History of Sitcom1.2.2 The Laugh Track of Sitcom1.2.3 Six Elements of Sitcom1.2.4 General Features of Sitcom1.3 The Setting of Home with Kids and Growing Pains1.4 The Framework of the Present ThesisChapter 2 Literature Review2.1 A General Picture of the Studies on Humor2.1.1 Foreign Studies2.1.1.1 Three Classical Humor Theories2.1.1.2 Other Representative Humor Theories2.1.2 Domestic Studies2.2 An Overview of the Studies on Sitcoms2.2.1 Foreign Studies2.2.2 Domestic StudiesChapter 3 Verbal Humors in Home with Kids and Growing Pains: A Case Study3.1 Objectives of the Research3.2 Methods of Data Collection and AnalysisChapter 4 Pragmatic Apparatuses for the Verbal Humors in these Two Sitcoms4.1 The Cooperative Principle and Its Application in Verbal Humors4.1.1 Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle4.1.2 Floutings of CP Maxims and Humor Production4.1.2.1 Flouting the Quantity Maxim4.1.2.2 Flouting the Quality Maxim4.1.2.3 Flouting the Relation Maxim4.1.2.4 Flouting the Manner Maxim4.2 Politeness Principle and Its Application in Verbal Humors4.2.1 Six Maxims of Leech’s Politeness Principle4.2.2 Floutings of PP Maxims and Humor Production4.2.2.1 Flouting the Tact and Generosity Maxims4.2.2.2 Flouting the Approbation and Modesty Maxims4.2.2.3 Flouting the Agreement Maxim4.2.2.4 Flouting the Sympathy Maxim4.3 Comprehensive Floutings of CP and PP Maxims and Humor ProductionChapter 5 Pragmatic Strategies Applied in Chinese and American Verbal Humors5.1 Micro-pragmatic Strategies5.1.1 Phonetic Strategy5.1.2 Lexical Strategy5.1.3 Rhetorical Strategy5.2 Macro-pragmatic Strategies5.2.1 Solidarity-oriented Strategies5.2.1.1 Sharing Experience5.2.1.2 Highlighting Similarities5.2.1.3 Jesting5.2.2 Aggression-oriented Strategies5.2.2.1 Fostering the Conflict5.2.2.2 Imposition5.2.2.3 Ridiculing5.2.3 Defense-oriented Strategies5.2.3.1 Confessing5.2.3.2 Coping5.2.3.3 Self-denigrating5.2.3.4 ConcealingChapter 6 Conclusion6.1 Major Findings6.2 Implications of the Research6.2.1 Theoretical Implications6.2.2 Communicative Implications6.2.3 Pedagogical Implications6.3 Suggestions for Further ResearchesBibliography攻读硕士期间的科研成果
标签:言语幽默论文; 情景喜剧论文; 语用机制论文; 语用策略论文;
中美情景喜剧幽默对白的语用学分析 ——以《家有儿女》和《成长的烦恼》为例