Acknowledgements摘要AbstractChapter 1 Introduction to William Faulkner1.1 William Faulkner:Biographical Sketch1.2 William Faulkner:The ExperimentalistChapter 2 Background of the Old South2.1 Economic and Political Background:The Plantation and Slavery2.2 Ideological Background:Calvinism,Racialism and PaternalismChapter 3 Tyrants of Fanatical Maniac3.1 Doc Hines—A Paranoid Father3.2 Simon McEachern—A Pretended Pious Puritan3.3 The Two Fathers' Influences on Joe ChristmasChapter 4 The Denial of Humanity4.1 Sutpen—The Inhumane Planter4.2 Sutpen—A Grim SireChapter 5 The Past Is Not Past5.1 Hightower's Grandfather—A False Hero5.2 Calvin Burden—The Calvinsit5.3 The Influence on Their DescendantsChapter 6 ConclusionWorks Cited攻读硕士学位期间发表的论文和取得的科研成果
标签:父亲论文; 儿子论文; 南方论文; 异化论文; 种族主义论文; 加尔文主义论文;