阅读是获取知识的最直接、最有效的方法,在任何形式的英语测试中占有相当大的比例。因此,阅读教学在语言教学中占据着十分重要的位置,但教学效果并不理想,许多学生存在阅读障碍,阅读成绩难以提高,因而深入研究学生的阅读策略显得越来越重要。近年来,对阅读策略的研究越来越受人瞩目,但对策略应用的实际效果研究不够。 本文的研究目的是通过对专科非英语专业大二学生进行定量和定性研究、探讨阅读策略培训对学生实际使用策略情况及对其阅读成绩产生的直接影响。希望本次研究能引起广大英语教师对阅读策略教学的重视,更好地帮助学生提高英语阅读水平。 本实验研究使用的工具有Oxford,7.0的问卷调查,前测和后测。所有数据是用SPSS进行分析的。 本次实验研究得出的结论是: (1) 策略培训对学生策略的使用产生影响。 (2) 策略教学是可行的,可以融入课堂教学。 本次研究对大学阅读教学有如下启示:阅读是一种主动的思维活动,也是一种技能的学习,因此,教师在阅读教学过程中应让学生充分了解阅读策略的概念,认识到策略教学在英语作为第二语言的外语教学中的必要性。
AcknowledgementAbstract in EnglishAbstract in ChineseChapter One: Introductio1.1 Background of the study1.2 Significance and purposes of the research1.3 Framework of the thesisChapter Two: Literature Review2.1 Some basic notions of reading2.1.1 Reading is decoding2.1.2 Reading involves word identification and comprehension2.1.3 Reading involves interaction between thought and language2.2 Models of reading process and their implication for instruction2.2.1 Bottom-up model2.2.2 Top-down model2.2.3 Interactive model2.2.4 Irwins's model2.3 Reading strategies2.3.1 The definition of reading strategy2.3.2 The taxonomy of reading strategies2.4 Research Questions of the present studyChapter Three: Research Design3.1 Subjects3.2 Instruments3.2.1 Questionnaire for the study3.2.2 Reading comprehension test process3.2.3 Materials for reading comprehension test3.3 Strategy types used in the experiment3.3.1 Framework of the strategy training in the present study3.3.2 An example of strategy training in the present study3.4 The arrangement of the experimental teaching3.4.1 The time table for the experimental class3.4.2 The plan for the experiment class3.5 Approach for analyzing dataChapter Four: Results and Discussions4.1 Statistical analysis of strategy use before and after strategy training4.1.1 Reading strategies used by the students before strategy training4.1.2 Reading strategies used by the students after strategy training4.2 Statistical analysis of reading achievement before and after strategy training4.2.1 Descriptive statistics of the reading test for the EC and CC4.2.2 The Paired-Samples T Test for reading test of EC and CCChapter Five: Conclusion & Implications5.1 Principal findings of the study5.2 Pedagogical implication5.3 Limitations of the studyBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢAppendix ⅣAppendix Ⅴ
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标签:阅读策略论文; 策略训练论文; 阅读模式论文; 阅读成绩论文; 阅读策略应用论文;