AcknowledgementAbstractChapter One Introduction1.1 The Purpose of the Thesis1.2 The Structure of the ThesisChapter Two Literature Review2.1 Pragmatic Failure2.1.1 The Definition of Pragmatic Failure2.1.2 The Definition of Pragmalinguistic Failure2.1.3 The Definition of Sociopragmatic Failure2.1.4 The Supplementary Categories of Pragmatic Failures2.2 Pragmatic Transfer2.2.1 Interlanguage Pragmatics2.2.2 Language Transfer2.2.3 Pragmatic Transfer2.3 The "Compensation Hypothesis"2.3.1 The Two Paradoxes2.3.2 External and Internal Context2.3.3 The Compensation Hypothesis2.3.4 Language Transfer Analysis in terms of the Compensation Hypothesis2.4 Context of Culture2.4.1 The Definition of Context2.4.2 The Categories of context2.4.3 Context of culture2.5 Other Studies ConcernedChapter Three The Research Method3.1 Hypothesis3.2 Subjects3.3 Instruments and Procedures3.3.1 Testing Paper3.3.2 Open Observation3.4 Procedures for Data-Collection3.5 Data-Analysis of Tesing ResultsChapter Four Analyses on Cross-Cultural Pragmatic Failures4.1 Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failures in Oral Communication4.1.1 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Introduction and Greeting4.1.2 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Addressing4.1.3 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Inquiry and Request4.1.4 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Invitation and Accepting Invitation4.1.5 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Gratitude4.1.6 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Complimentary4.1.7 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Expressing Concern4.1.8 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Refusal4.1.9 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Telephone Talk4.1.10 Pragmatic Failures in the Context of Non-verbal Communication4.2 Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failures in Translation4.2.1 Pragmatic Failures in Vocabulary4.2.2 Pragmatic Failures in Grammar4.2.3 Pragmatic Failures in Coherence4.3 ConclusionChapter Five Discussion on Reasons Leading to IC Pragmatic Failures5.1 Analyses on IC Pragmatic Failures from the Perspective of the Four Theories5.1.1 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Compensation Hypothesis5.1.2 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Speech Act Theory5.1.3 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Cooperative Principles5.1.4 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Politeness Principles5.2 Analyses on IC Pragmatic Failures from the Perspective of Cognitive Schema5.2.1 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Value System5.2.2 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Conceptual System5.2.3 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Thought Pattern5.2.4 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Face System5.2.5 Analysis on IC Pragmatic Failures in terms of Cultural TraditionChapter Six Conclusion6.1 Implications in L2 Learning and Teaching6.1.1 Implications in Acculturation6.1.2 Implications in Context-Based Approach6.2 Limitations6.3 RecommendationsBibliographyAppendix ⅠAppendix Ⅱ西北工业大学 学位论文知识产权声明书
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标签:跨文化语用失误论文; 补缺假说论文; 文化语境论文; 内部语境论文; 外部语境论文; 文化输入论文;