ABSTRACT摘要ContentsChapter Ⅰ IntroductionChapter Ⅱ Brief Introduction to Advertisement2.1 Definition of Advertisement2.2 Functions of Advertisement2.2.1 Marketing Function2.2.2 Communication Function2.2.3 Economic Function2.2.4 Social Function2.2.5 Educational Function2.3 Objectives of Advertisement2.4 Classification of Advertisement2.5 Elements of Advertisement2.5.1 Headline2.5.2 Body copy2.5.3 Slogan2.5.4 Trademark2.5.5 IllustrationChapter Ⅲ A Comparative Study of Linguistic Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisements3.1 Lexical Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisements2.1.1 Frequent Use of Verbs and Adjectives in English and Chinese Advertisements3.1.1.1 Verbs3.1.1.2 Adjectives3.1.2 Frequent Use of Abbreviations and Clever Use of Coinages in English Advertisements3.1.2.1 Abbreviations3.1.2.2 Coinages3.1.3 Frequent Use of Four\Seven-character Structures and Rhyming Compounds in Chinese Advertisements3.1.3.1 Four\seven-character Structures3.1.3.2 Rhyming Compounds3.2 Widely-applied Rhetorical Devices in English and Chinese Advertisements3.2.1 Parallelism and Antitheses in English and Chinese Advertisements3.2.1.1 Parallelism3.2.1.2 Antithesis3.2.2 Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Pun and Parody in English and Chinese Advertisements3.2.2.1 Simile and Metaphor3.2.2.2 Personification3.2.2.3 Hyperbole3.2.2.4 Pun3.2.2.5 Parody3.2.3 Repetition and Rhyme in English and Chinese Advertisements3.2.3.1 Repetition3.2.3.2 Rhyme3.2.4 Palindrome in Chinese Advertisements3.3 Syntactical Characteristics of English and Chinese Advertisements3.3.1 Frequent Use of Simple Sentences in English and Chinese Advertisements3.3.2 Frequent Use of Interrogative and Imperative Sentences in English and Chinese Advertisements3.3.2.1 Interrogative Sentences3.3.2.2 Imperative Sentences3.3.3 Frequent Use of Elliptical Sentences, Disjunctive Sentences and Direct Speech in English Advertisements3.3.3.1 Elliptical sentences3.3.3.2 Disjunctive Sentences3.3.3.3 Direct Speech3.3.4 Frequent Use of Exclamatory Sentences in Chinese AdvertisementsChapter Ⅳ Debates on English Translation of Chinese Advertisements and Related Theories by Newmark4.1 Some Debates on English Translation of Chinese Advertisements4.1.1 German Functionalism's Skopostheorie4.1.2 Nida's Functional Equivalence Theory4.2 Newmark's Theories and Translation of Advertisements4.2.1 Functions of Language in General and Functions of Advertisement Language4.2.2 Text Typology and Advertisements4.2.3 Communicative Translation Theory and Vocative Texts4.2.4 Equivalent EffectChapter Ⅴ Commonly-applied Translation Techniques in English Translation of Chinese Advertisements5.1 Phonetic Translation Technique—Transliteration5.2 Lexical Translation Techniques5.2.1 Literal Translation5.2.2 Free Translation5.2.3 Amplification5.2.4 Omission5.3 Syntactical Translation Techniques5.3.1 Division5.3.2 Parody5.3.3 AdaptationChapter Ⅵ Difficulties in Transferring of Cultural Concepts in English Translation of Chinese Advertisements and Some Effective Ways Suggested6.1 Relationships among Culture, Language and Translation6.2 Causes of Difficulties in Transferring of Cultural Concepts in English Translation of Chinese Advertisements6.2.1 Differences in Philosophy6.2.2 Differences in Values6.2.2.1 Collectivism vs.Individualism6.2.2.2 Authority vs.Fact6.2.2.3 Respect for the Old vs.Ignorance of the Old6.2.2.4 Emotion of Homesickness vs.Tendency to Migration6.2.3 Differences in Consuming Psychology6.2.3.1 Self-centered vs.Consumer-centered6.2.3.2 Physiological Needs vs.Spiritual Needs6.2.3.3 Past Orientation vs.Future Orientation6.2.4 Differences in Mode of Thinking6.3 Some Effective Ways in Transferring of Cultural Concepts in English Translation of Chinese Advertisements6.3.1 Transliteration plus Free Translation6.3.2 Transliteration plus Amplification6.3.3 Literal Translation plus Free Translation6.3.4 Amplification plus Omission6.3.5 Conversion6.3.5.1 Conversion of Images6.3.5.2.Conversion of Perspectives6.3.6.Shifting of Emotions6.3.7 Combination of Adaptation plus Amplification plus OmissionConclusionBibliography
标签:广告语言论文; 呼唤文本论文; 交际翻译论文; 翻译技巧论文; 文化概念的传论文;